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2. Set Up
2.1. Fitting the speaker columns (optional)
Take the speaker columns out of their packaging. Put the first speaker column beside the screen making the fixing
holes coincide with those of the frame. Using the screw supplied and a screwdriver, fix the two lugs of the column
against the frame. Do the same for the second speaker column.
Connect each column to your SAGEM AXIUM™ Home Cinema Screen with the audio cables supplied. To hide
the cables, start from the black and red terminals on the back of the column pushing the wires into the groove.
Then continue like this up to the terminals of the television set. Do the same for the second speaker column.
You have the possibility of connecting your own speakers to your SAGEM AXIUM™ Home Cinema Screen if these
have impedance greater than or equal to 8 ohms. To do this, disconnect the speaker columns, connect your
speakers instead, pass the wires in the grooves provided and deactivate the subwoofer (see §8.2).
2.2. Aerial connection
Insert the end of the coaxial cable leading from your aerial into the aerial input socket at the back of your SAGEM
AXIUM™ Home Cinema Screen.
Your SAGEM AXIUM™ Home Cinema Screen is fitted with 2 tuners, but only one cable is needed to supply both.
1.2. Maintenance
Before doing anything, disconnect the mains lead from the wall socket.
Clean the cabinet using a soft, slightly damp cloth and a non-abrasive and non-wax detergent.
Clean the screen carefully using a soft, damp cloth lightly impregnated with a soap solution.
Never use benzene, alcohol or petroleum-based cleaning products as these could damage the finish and the
Your SAGEM AXIUM™ Home Cinema Screen utilises high voltage. Never attempt to access
the interior of the apparatus, except when you are changing the lamp unit.
Do not open or dismantle this product as this will expose you to the risk of electrocution.
This appliance will auto-detect the end of the lamp's working life. Replace the lamp as soon as
the bulb indicator lights up on the front panel.
When the SAGEM AXIUM™ Home Cinema Screen lamp reaches the end of its working life,
there could be a loud, sharp sound when it stops working. The appliance will only work when
you replace the bulb.
To avoid burns or the lamp unit damage whilst it is being replaced, you must disconnect the
mains lead from the wall socket.
Wait at least one hour before starting to change the lamp unit.
Make sure that you follow the whole replacement procedure described in "Changing
the lamp unit" on page 22.
Only use suitable batteries that comply with the maker's specifications (see chapter 16).
the batteries supplied are not rechargeable;
pay particular attention to environmental matters;
take the defective or used batteries to the places provided for this effect in accordance with
current regulations; never throw them in the dustbin.
Anglais LU 45 A5.qxd 06/10/2004 10:25 Page 3

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