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- Then lift the basket when the frying time has elapsed and hang it on the hook in the pan so that the
oil can drip off.
- Remove the plug from the socket.
- After use, rinse the basket and dry thoroughly.
- Once the deep fryer has totally cooled off, you can place the basket back in the deep fryer. Store the
deep fryer, with the lid closed, in a dry and dark place. You can leave the oil and the basket in the
deep fryer.
- Use a maximum of 200 grams of chips per litre of oil.
- When using frozen products, use a maximum of 100 grams because the oil cools off rapidly. Shake
frozen products above the sink to remove excess ice.
- When fresh chips are used: dry the chips after washing them to ensure no water gets into the oil.
- Fry the chips in two turns: First time (blanch) 5 to 10 minutes at 170 degrees. Second time (finishing)
2 to 4 minutes at 190 degrees. Allow the oil to drip off.
Pre-fry chips 170
Final fry chips 190
Parmesan fondue 170
Cheese croquettes 170
Meat/fish/potato croquettes 190
Fish 170
Fish fingers 180
Cheese fritter 180
Doughnut balls 190
Frozen sausage 190
Chicken 160
Prawn fritter 180
When replacing the oil or cleaning it is advisable to remove the lid. This can be done easily by opening
the lid 45 degrees and then carefully pulling the lid forward. To replace the lid it should be pressed back
in the hinge opening at the same 45-degree angle.
Make sure the fryer and the oil or fat have cooled down before changing the oil or fat (remove the plug
from the socket). Change the oil regularly. This is particularly necessary when the oil or fat goes dark or
the smell changes. Always change the oil after every 10 frying sessions. Change the oil in one go – never
mix old and new oil. Used oil is harmful to the environment. Do not dispose of it with your normal
rubbish but follow the guidelines issued by the local authorities.
Never immerse the appliance in water! Remove the plug from the socket.
- Clean both inside and outside the fryer regularly.
- Regularly clean the outside of the fryer with a damp cloth and dry it with a soft, clean
- Do not use abrasive detergents.
- The basket and the handle can be cleaned in warm soapy water. Dry thoroughly
before reusing.
- When replacing the oil, you can also clean the inside of the fryer. Empty the fryer and
first clean the inside with a paper towel and then wipe with a wet cloth dipped in
soapy water. Then wipe the inside with a damp cloth and allow it to dry.

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