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Your fryer comes complete with an anti-odour filter in the lid. This should be replaced after approximately
40 frying sessions.
- Always place the fryer on a stable surface and keep flammable materials away.
- Do not place the fryer on or near a switched-on hot plate.
- Before you use the fryer it must be filled with the required amount of fat or oil. Never use the fryer
without oil or fat as this will damage the appliance.
- Never move the appliance during use. The oil becomes hot and you can burn yourself. Wait until the
oil has cooled down before moving the fryer.
- This fryer is protected by thermic protection. This means it switches itself off when it overheats
- Never immerse the appliance in water!
- Do not leave the appliance unattended while in use. Close supervision is necessary when the fryer is
used near children.
- Do not use the equipment if it is damaged, or if the lead is damaged. To prevent any danger, it should
be sent to our Service Department. With this type of appliance, a damaged cord should only be
replaced by our Service Department using special tools.
The wires in the mains lead are coloured in accordance with the following code:
As the colours of the wire in the mains lead of this appliance may not correspond with the colour
markings identifying the terminals on your plug, proceed as follows:
The wire which is coloured BLUE must be connected to the terminal which is marked with the
letter N or coloured black.
The wire which is coloured BROWN must be connected to the terminal which is marked with the letter L
or coloured red.
The wire which is coloured GREEN-YELLOW must be connected to the earth terminal which is marked
with the letter E or or coloured green and yellow.
With this appliance, if a 13 amp plug is used a 13 amp fuse should be fitted. If any other type of plug is
used a 15 amp fuse must be fitted either in the plug or at the distribution board.
Lisez attentivement ce mode d’emploi et conservez-le pour pouvoir le consulter ultérieurement. Branchez
cet appareil uniquement sur une prise de terre.
Avant la première utilisation, déballez l’appareil et lavez les accessoires et le récipient intérieur à l’eau
chaude. Séchez-les bien avant de les utiliser. Veillez à ne pas mouiller les pièces électriques.
La friteuse Princess Classic Mini Fryer est équipée d’un thermostat réglable et d’un témoin lumineux.
Elle dispose également d’un couvercle amovible muni d’un filtre, ce qui facilite le nettoyage de
l’appareil. En raison de sa faible consommation, cette friteuse compacte d’1,5 litre est particulièrement
pratique à utiliser en camping.
1. Couvercle amovible muni d’un filtre
2. Poignée
3. Fenêtre de contrôle
4. Témoin lumineux
5. Réglage de la température
- N’allumez jamais la friteuse alors qu’elle ne contient ni huile, ni graisse, cela
risquerait de l’endommager. N’ajoutez jamais d’autres substances (liquides) dans le
récipient, par ex. de l’eau.
- Posez la friteuse sur une surface sèche et stable.

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