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FAQs, etc.
Frequently Asked Questions
Before requesting service or assistance, please follow these simple guides to resolve the problem.
If problem still persists, please contact your local Panasonic dealer or Panasonic Customer Care Centre
for assistance.
White spots or
shadow images
Check the position, direction,
and connection of the aerial.
logo appears
at the four corners
of the screen
Contrast is reduced
The function to prevent after-image
is activated.
(Not a faulty symptom)
The screen saver is activated if
the TV unit is not operated for a
certain time in AV mode.
Contrast is lowered when radio,
menu, etc. lasts for several
"after-image" (p. 5)
Only one part
remains dark
A pixel or luminescent spot may
occasionally be missing in plasma
(Not a faulty symptom)
Pictures from an
equipment are unusual
when the equipment is
connected via HDMI
Is the HDMI cable connected properly?
(p. 30)
Turn Off the TV unit and equipment,
then turn them On again.
Check an input signal from the equipment.
(p. 34)
Use an equipment compliant with
The remote control
does not work
Are the batteries installed correctly?
(p. 6)
Has the TV unit been switched On?
Problem Actions
Screen Sound HDMI
Chaotic image, noisy
Set "P-NR" in the Picture menu (to remove noise).
(p. 16)
Check nearby electrical products
(car, motorcycle, uorescent lamp).
No image can be
Is "Colour" or "Contrast" in the Picture menu set to the
minimum? (p. 16)
Blurry or
distorted image
(no sound or low volume)
Reset channels. (p. 20)
Neither image nor
sound is produced
Is the unit in "AV mode"?
Is the mains lead plugged into the socket outlet?
Is the TV unit turned On?
Check Picture menu (p. 16) and volume.
No sound is produced
Is "Sound Mute" active? (p. 7)
Is the volume set to the minimum?
Sound is unusual
Set the sound setting of the connected equipment
to "2ch L.PCM".
Check the "HDMI1 input" setting in the Sound menu. (p. 16)
If digital sound connection has a problem, select analogue
sound connection. (p. 33)
Sound level is low
or sound is distorted
Sound signal reception may be deteriorated.
Set "MPX" (p. 16) in the Sound menu to "Mono".
An error message
Follow the message's instructions.
If the problem persists, contact the authorized
Service Centre.
An error message appears
Contact the authorized Service Centre.
“Control with HDMI”
function does not work
Switch the TV unit on again with the equipment on.
Set “Control with HDMI” to “Off”, then set to “On” again.
(p. 27)
The SD card cannot be
used even when it is
Contact the authorized Service Centre.
TV unit goes into
"Standby mode"
The sleep function is activated.
The TV unit enters "Standby mode" about 30 min.
after broadcasting ends.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Panasonic TH-42PV600E

Panasonic TH-42PV600E Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 20 pagina's

Panasonic TH-42PV600E Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 20 pagina's

Panasonic TH-42PV600E Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 20 pagina's

Panasonic TH-42PV600E Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 20 pagina's

Panasonic TH-42PV600E Gebruiksaanwijzing - Dansk - 20 pagina's

Panasonic TH-42PV600E Gebruiksaanwijzing - Suomi - 40 pagina's

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