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Speci cations
SD Card: On screen messages
TH-37PV600E TH-42PV600E TH-50PV600E
Power Source AC 220-240 V, 50 / 60 Hz
Average use 241 W 261 W 368 W
Standby condition 0.3 W
Plasma Display
Drive method AC type
Aspect Ratio 16:9
Contrast Ratio Max 10000:1
Visible screen size
(No. of pixels)
94 cmV 106 cmV 127 cmV
818 mm (W) × 461 mm (H) ×
939 mm (diagonal)
920 mm (W) × 518 mm (H) ×
1,056 mm (diagonal)
1,106 mm (W) × 622 mm (H) ×
1,269 mm (diagonal)
737,280 (1,024 (W) × 720 (H))
[3,072 × 720 dots]
786,432 (1,024 (W) × 768 (H))
[3,072 × 768 dots]
1,049,088 (1,366 (W) × 768 (H))
[4,098 × 768 dots]
Speaker Woofer (Φ80mm) × 2 pcs, Tweeter (23 mm × 100 mm) × 2 pcs
Audio Output 31 W (15.5 W + 15.5 W), 10 % THD
Headphones Φ3.5 mm stereo mini Jack × 1
PC signals
SXGA ······ (compressed)
Horizontal scanning frequency 31 - 69 kHz
Vertical scanning frequency 59 - 86 Hz
Receiving Systems /
Band name
VHF E2 - E12 VHF H1 - H2 (ITALY)
VHF A - H (ITALY) UHF E21 - E69
CATV (S01 - S05) CATV S1 - S10 (M1 - M10)
CATV S11 - S20 (U1 - U10) CATV S21 - S41 (Hyperband)
VHF R1 - R2 VHF R3 - R5
VHF R6 - R12 UHF E21 - E69
PAL 525/60 Playback of NTSC tape from some PAL Video re cord ers (VCR)
M.NTSC Playback from M. NTSC Video recorders (VCR)
NTSC (AV input only) Playback from NTSC Video recorders (VCR)
Aerial - Rear VHF / UHF
Operating Conditions
Temperature : 0 °C - 40 °C
Humidity : 20 % - 80 % RH (non-condensing)
Connection Terminals
AV1 (Scart terminal) 21 Pin terminal (Audio/Video in, Audio/Video out, RGB in)
AV2 (Scart terminal) 21 Pin terminal (Audio/Video in, Audio/Video out, S-Video in, Q-Link)
AV3 (Scart terminal) 21 Pin terminal (Audio/Video in, Audio/Video out, RGB in, S-Video in, Q-Link)
VIDEO RCA PIN Type × 1 1.0 V[p-p] (75
S-VIDEO Mini DIN 4-pin Y:1.0 V[p-p] (75
) C:0.286 V[p-p] (75
AUDIO L - R RCA PIN Type × 2 0.5 V[rms]
Y 1.0 V[p-p] (including synchronization)
PB, PR ±0.35 V[p-p]
HDMI1/2 TYPE A Connectors
HIGH-DENSITY D-SUB 15PIN R,G,B/0.7 V[p-p] (75
HD, VD/TTL Level 2.0 - 5.0 V[p-p] (high impedance)
AUDIO L - R RCA PIN Type × 2 0.5 V[rms]
Card slot SD CARD slot × 1
AUDIO L - R RCA PIN Type × 2 0.5 V[rms] (high impedance)
Dimensions ( W × H × D )
977 mm × 629 mm ×
138 (panel part : 95) mm
1,077 mm × 689 mm ×
138 (panel part : 95) mm
1,266 mm × 802 mm ×
138 (panel part : 95) mm
Weight 28.5 k
Net 32.5 k Net 43.0 k Net
SD Card: On screen messages
Message Meaning/Action
Speci cations
Design and Speci cations are subject to change without notice. Weight and Dimensions shown are approximate.
This equipment complies with the EMC standards listed below.
EN55013, EN61000-3-2, EN61000-3-3, EN55020, EN55022, EN55024.
Cautions in handling SD Card :
Do not remove the card while the unit is accessing data ("blue" LED
On) (this can damage card or unit).
Do not touch the pins on the back of the card.
Do not subject the card to a high pressure or impact.
Insert the card in the correct direction (otherwise, card may be
Electrical interference, static electricity, or erroneous operation may
damage the data or card.
Back up the recorded data at regular intervals in case of deteriorated
or damaged data or erratic operation of the unit. (Panasonic is not
liable for any deterioration or damage of recorded data.)
Blue LED
WARNING: As with an small object,
SD card can be swallowed by young
children. Do not allow children to
handle SD card. Please remove SD card
immediately after use.
Is SD Card in?
Insert a SD card.
SD Card is locked
Please unlock to operate
Unlock the SD card.
This le is locked
Please unlock to operate
Unlock the le in the card.
This type of format is not
The unit does not support the format.
(For the applicable formats and data, see p. 35.)
This type of card is not
A card not supported by the unit has been inserted.
(For the supported cards, see p. 35.)
Broken le
Cannot display image
The le is broken.
Memory full
The card memory is full.
Not enough memory
The card does not have enough memory to operate.
Cannot read le
The le is not readable.
Unrecordable source
SD recording is stopped
That channel cannot be recorded.
(Recording is automatically stopped.)
Check card
Re-insert the card. If the error persists, format the card. (p. 25)
Card recording in progress
Please stop recording to operate
That operation is not available during recording.
To continue the operation, stop recording.
For example, changing channels while recording a TV
Delete le?
Displayed when you press Red colour button to delete a
MPEG4 le. Press OK button to con rm deleting.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Panasonic TH-42PV600E

Panasonic TH-42PV600E Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 20 pagina's

Panasonic TH-42PV600E Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 20 pagina's

Panasonic TH-42PV600E Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 20 pagina's

Panasonic TH-42PV600E Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 20 pagina's

Panasonic TH-42PV600E Gebruiksaanwijzing - Dansk - 20 pagina's

Panasonic TH-42PV600E Gebruiksaanwijzing - Suomi - 40 pagina's

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