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Wholemeal Walnut Rolls 70%
‘Whole Wheat’-‘Dough’ (3h 15m)
Yeast 1tsp
Strong Wholemeal Flour 350g (12oz)
Strong White Flour 100g (4oz)
Medium Oatmeal 50g (2oz)
Maple Syrup 2tbsp
Oil 2tbsp
Salt 1 1/2tsp
Water 320ml
Walnut 100g (4oz)
Divide dough into 12 large rolls or 20 dinner rolls.
Place on greased baking parchment and sprinkle
with flour. Allow to prove at 40°C until doubled in size
(approx 20 mins).
Bake at 220°C/425°F/Gas Mark 7 for 12-15mins or
until golden brown.
Dough Recipes
Yeast 1 1/4tsp
Strong White Flour 550g (1lb 4oz)
Sugar 2tsp
Olive Oil 2tbsp
Salt 1 1/2tsp
Water 310ml
Dough for Tear & Share Bread
‘Basic’-‘Dough’ (2h 20m)
Olive Tear & Share Bread
Dough for Tear & Share
Bread (above)
One batch
Tapenade (green or black) 6tbsp
Olives, chopped 25g (1oz)
Olive Oil 2tbsp
Roll dough out into a rectangular sheet 1 1/2cm
(1/2’’) thick, approximately 24cm x 46cm (9’’ x 18’’).
Spread the Tapenade over the dough, sprinkle the
chopped olives & drizzle with 1 tbsp of the oil. Roll
up from the short end like a swiss roll.
Cut the dough into 4cm (1 1/2’’) slices with a sharp
knife & place close together in a 20cm (8’’) round
greased cake or flan tin, cut sides up.
Drizzle with the remaining tbsp of oil and allow to
prove until doubled in size.
Bake at 220°C/425°F/Gas Mark 7 for 15-20mins or
until golden brown.
Delicious served warm with tapas or pasta dishes.
Pepperoni Tear & Share Bread
Dough for Tear & Share
Bread (P.26)
One batch
Tomato Puree or Sun Dried
Tom Puree
Pepperoni, chopped 50g (2oz)
Mozarella Cheese, grated 100g (4oz)
Dried Oregano or Basil 1tsp
Olive Oil 1tbsp
Delicious served warm with pasta dishes. Use sundried
tomatoes in place of pepperoni for vegetarians.
Roll dough out into a rectangular sheet 1 1/2 cm
(1/2’’) thick, approximately 24cm x 46cm (9’’ x 18’’).
Spread the tomato puree over the dough & scatter
the pepperoni & cheese. Roll up from the short end
like a swiss roll.
Cut the dough into 4cm (1 1/2’’) slices with a sharp
knife & place close together in a 20cm (8’’) round
greased cake or flan tin, cut sides up.
Drizzle with the olive oil & sprinkle with the dried
herbs and allow to prove until doubled in size.
Bake at 220°C/425°F/Gas Mark 7 for 15-20mins or
until golden brown.
Yeast 1/2tsp
Strong White Flour 300g (11oz)
Olive Oil 1tbsp
Salt 1tsp
Water 170ml
‘Pizza’-‘Dough’ (45m)
Press out dough using the heel of your hand to a
25cm (10’’) circle or two 25cm (10’’) circles for thin
and crispy base.
Allow to prove in a warm place for 10-15mins.
Add topping of your choice and bake on
220˚C/425˚F/Gas Mark 7 for 15-20mins, depending
on amount of topping.
To freeze pizza bases follow method to stage 2 and bake
without toppings for 5mins. Allow to cool, freeze. To use
remove from freezer immediately add topping (not too
much) and bake as above stage 3.
Yeast 1/2tsp
Strong White Flour 300g (11oz)
Olive Oil 1tbsp
Salt 1tsp
Water 170ml
‘Pizza’-‘Dough’ (45m)
Roll and pat the dough into a 30cm x 25cm (12’’ x
10’’) rectangle.
Make indentations over the whole dough using your
Add one of the following toppings:
1 small red onion sliced & softened with 1tsp olive
oil and 1tsp balsamic vinegar. (Do this in a bowl
covered in cling film in the microwave for 1-2min).
2tbsp chopped black or green olives.
2 chopped cloves of garlic, sea salt and cracked
black pepper corns.
• 2tbsp chopped sundried tomatoes.
Allow to prove in a warm place for 30mins.
Drizzle with olive oil and bake at 190°C/375°F/Gas
Mark 5 for 20-30mins or until golden at the edges
and cooked well in the centre.
Serve warm with pasta dishes.
Picnic Tear & Share Bread
Dough for Tear & Share
Bread (P.26)
One batch
Grainy Mustard 2tbsp
Cooked Ham, chopped 75g (3oz)
Strong Cheddar Cheese,
75g (3oz)
Delicious served warm with soup or with a Ploughmans
Roll dough out into a rectangular sheet 1 1/2cm
(1/2’’) thick, approximately 24cm x 46cm (9’’ x 18’’).
Spread the mustard over the dough & scatter the
ham & cheese–reserve a little of the cheese to
sprinkle on top. Roll up from the short end like a
swiss roll.
Cut the dough into 4cm (1 1/2’’) slices with a sharp
knife & place closed together in a cheese and allow
to prove until doubled in size. 20cm (8’’) round
greased cake or flan tin, cut sides up.
Sprinkle with the remaining.
Bake at 220°C/425°F/Gas Mark 7 for 15-20mins or
until golden brown.
Viennese Rolls
‘Basic’-‘Dough’ (2h 20m)
Yeast 3/4tsp
Strong White Flour 400g (14oz)
Sugar 50g (2oz)
Butter 100g (4 oz)
Salt 1/2tsp
Medium Sized Eggs, yolk 2
Egg, medium 1
Milk warmed 150ml
Filling (jam or mincemeat) 1/2jar
45ml (3tbsp)
Put all the main ingredients in the bread pan in the
order listed above. Select Basic Dough programme
2hrs 20mins.
Remove dough from bread pan and divide in half.
Roll out half the dough to a square shape until it is
about 1cm (1/2’’) thick.
Cut into eight squares. (Tip: Reroll each piece
individually if it needs it, to produce a better square
shape, approximately 10cm x 10cm (4’’ x 4’’) in size.)
Place half a teaspoon of filling in the centre of each
piece of dough. Draw up the corners and edges to
make a bundle. Repeat with all 8 pieces.
Glaze the bundles with milk and place half of them,
in a greased 8’’ (20cm) cake tin, with the gathered
side down.
Repeat steps 3 to 6 with the rest of the dough in a
second tin.
Bake on Convection 180˚C for 15-20mins or until
golden brown.
Serve just warm as a breakfast or tea-time treat.
Sweet Brioche Dough
‘Basic’-‘Dough’ (2h 20m)
Yeast 1tsp
Strong white flour 250g (9oz)
Sugar 3tbsp
Butter 75g (3oz)
Salt 1/2tsp
Egg, medium 2
Milk 2tbsp
Egg, medium to glaze 1
Select Basic Dough programme 2hrs 20mins.
Tip dough out of the bread pan and shape three quarters
into a ball and place in the bottom of a lightly greased
brioche tin. Press a hole in the centre. Shape the
remainder of the dough into a ball and place in the centre.
Allow to prove for 30mins at 40˚C.
Glaze with beaten egg and bake in a preheated
oven at 190˚C/375˚F/Gas Mark 5 for 25mins or until
golden brown.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Panasonic SD-255

Panasonic SD-255 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 26 pagina's

Panasonic SD-255 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 32 pagina's

Panasonic SD-255 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 26 pagina's

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