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Cause Action
Before calling for service, please check through this section.
You have used too much flour, or you are not using enough liquid.
Check the recipe and measure out the correct amount using scales for
the flour or the measuring cup provided for liquids.
There is excess flour
around the bottom and
sides of my bread.
You haven’t put the kneading blade in the bread pan.
Make sure the blade is in the pan before you put in the ingredients.
There has been a power failure, or the machine has been stopped during
The machine switches off if it is stopped for more than ten minutes. You
might be able to start the loaf again, though this might give poor results if
kneading had already begun.
The kneading mounting shaft in the bread pan is stiff and does not rotate.
If the kneading mounting shaft does not rotate when the blade is
attached, you will need to replace the kneading mounting shaft unit
(consult the place of purchase or a Panasonic service centre).
Why has my bread
not mixed properly?
The ‘DOUGH’ option was selected.
The ‘DOUGH’ option does not include a baking process.
There has been a power failure, or the machine has been stopped during
The machine switches off if it is stopped for more than approx. ten
minutes. You can try baking the dough in your oven if it has risen and
There is not enough water and the motor protection device has activated.
This only happens when the unit is overloaded and excessive force is
applied to the motor.
Visit place of purchase for a service consultation. Next time, check the
recipe and measure out the correct amount using the measuring cup
provided for liquid and scales for weighing flour.
My bread has not
been baked.
A small amount of dough will escape
through the four holes (so that it
does not stop the rotating parts
from rotating). This is not a fault, but
check occasionally that the kneading
mounting shaft rotate properly.
If the kneading mounting shaft
does not rotate when the blade is
attached, you will need to replace
the kneading mounting shaft unit
(from our Customer Support dept
on 08705 357357 or write to the
UK address on the back cover).
Dough leaks out of
the bottom of the
bread pan.
Dough release
(4 in total)
(Bottom of bread pan)
Kneading mounting shaft
Kneading mounting
shaft unit
Part no. ADA29A115
Cause Action
You have left the bread in the bread pan for too long after baking.
Remove the bread promptly after baking.
There has been a power failure, or the machine has been stopped during
The machine switches off if it is stopped for more than ten minutes. You
may try baking the dough in your oven.
The sides of my bread
have collapsed and
the bottom is damp.
This is because the blade fits loosely on the shaft. (This is not a fault)
The kneading blade rattles.
The dough is a little stiff.
Allow the bread to cool completely before removing the blade carefully.
Some types of flour absorb more water than others, so try adding an
extra 10-20ml of water next time.
Crust has built up underneath the blade.
Wash the blade and its spindle after each use.
The kneading blade
stays in the bread
when I remove it from
the bread pan.
The steam remaining in the bread after cooking can pass into the crust and
soften it slightly.
To reduce the amount of steam, try using 10-20ml less water.
The crust creases and
goes soft on cooling.
To make your bread crispier, you could use the ‘french’ mode or the ‘DARK’
crust colour option, or even bake it in the oven at 200°C/gas mark 6 for an
extra 5-10 minutes.
How can I keep my
crust crispy?
It was too hot when you sliced it.
Allow your bread to cool on rack before slicing to release the steam.
My bread is sticky and
slices unevenly.
TEMP appears on the
The unit is hot (above 40°C/105°F).
Allow the unit to cool down to below 40°C/105°F before using it again
(TEMP will disappear, and the red operation light will go out).
There has been a power failure for approx. 10 minutes (the plug has been
accidentally pulled out, or the breaker has been activated), or there is
another problem with the power supply.
The operation will not be affected if the problem with the power supply
is only momentary. The breadmaker will operate again if its power is
restored within 10 minutes, but the end result may be affected.
appears on the
There has been a power failure for a certain amount of time (differs
depending on the circumstances-e.g. mains power failure, unplugging,
malfunctioning fuse or breaker).
Remove the ingredients and start again using new.
0:00 appears on the
Ingredients may have been spilt on the heating element.
Sometimes a little flour, raisins or other ingredients may be flicked out
of the bread pan during mixing. Simply wipe the element gently after
baking once the breadmaker has cooled down.
I can smell burning while
the bread is baking.
Smoke is coming out
of the steam vent.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Panasonic SD-255

Panasonic SD-255 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 26 pagina's

Panasonic SD-255 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 32 pagina's

Panasonic SD-255 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 26 pagina's

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