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Cake Recipes
[bake only]
Bake cakes and
Timer cannot be used
mode for these
This mode is not suitable
for all types of cake, such
as Victoria sandwich or
those that require going
into a hot oven.
Always use our
tablespoon and
teaspoon measure in
these recipes.
The cake is made according
to the recipe in a separate
mixing bowl and then baked
inside the bread pan.
Mix the ingredients in
a bowl.
Line the bottom and
sides of the bread pan
with baking parchment
and pour in the mixture.
Make sure that the
kneading blade is
removed from the
pan before the cake
mixture is added.
Ensure that the cake
mixture is kept inside
the baking parchment.
Set the breadmaker.
The maximum
baking time is 1 hour
and 30 minutes.
Butter 100g (4oz)
Golden Syrup 200g (8oz)
Self Raising Flour 300g (11oz)
Baking Powder 3ml (1/2tsp)
Ground Cinnamon 3ml (1/2tsp)
Ground Cloves 3ml (1/2tsp)
Medium Sized Eggs, beaten 2
Tart Dessert Apples
e.g. Granny Smiths, grated
Preserved Stem Ginger, drained
and finely chopped
75g (3oz)
Demerara Sugar 1 1/2tbsp
Apple & Ginger Cake ‘Bake only’ (55m)
Warm the butter and syrup until
just melted. This can be done on
the hob or in the microwave oven.
(High power for 1min).
Sieve the flour, baking powder and
spices into a bowl. Add the syrup
mixture and the beaten eggs.
Add the grated apple and the
chopped ginger and mix well.
Remove the kneading blade from
the bread pan and line the bottom
and sides with baking parchment.
Place the mixture in the bread
pan, being careful to ensure that
the mixture is inside the baking
Carefully sprinkle the Demerara
sugar on top of the mixture.
Select Bake Only programme and
enter 55mins on the timer.
After baking test with a skewer to
see if the cake is cooked. If the
cake does require extra time, select
the Bake Only programme again
and enter a further 3-5mins on the
timer. If it is still just slightly sticky
this will cook through during the
stand period.
Take the bread pan out of the
breadmaker using oven gloves.
Leave to stand for 5-10mins before
removing from the bread pan and
allo wing to cool.
Soft Light Brown Sugar 50g (2oz)
Butter 75g (3oz)
Egg, medium 1
Plain Flour 225g (8oz)
Baking Powder 2tsp
Grated Rind 1 lemon
Lemon Juice 1tbsp
Medium Bananas, peeled & mashed
Walnuts, roughly chopped 50g (2oz)
Walnuts, finely chopped 15g (1/2oz)
Banana and Walnut Loaf ‘Bake only’ (45m)
Cream the butter and sugar together
until soft then beat in the egg.
Add the sieved flour and baking
powder together with the lemon rind
and juice.
Add the mashed bananas and the
roughly chopped walnuts and mix to a
soft consistency.
Remove the kneading blade from the
bread pan and line the bottom and
sides with baking parchment.
Place the mixture in the bread pan,
being careful to ensure that the mixture
is inside the baking parchment.
Carefully sprinkle the finely chopped
walnuts on top of the mixture.
Select Bake Only programme and
enter 45mins on the timer.
After baking test with a skewer to see
if the cake is cooked. If the cake does
require extra time, select the Bake
Only programme again and enter a
further 3-5mins on the timer. If it is still
just slightly sticky this will cook through
during the stand period.
Take the bread pan out of the bread
maker using oven gloves. Leave to
stand for 5-10mins before removing
from the bread pan and allowing to
Delicious spread with butter.
Butter 125g (4oz)
Mixed Dried Fruit 300g (11oz)
Light Brown Soft Sugar 50g (2oz)
Juice of 1 Orange 45ml (3tbsps)
Zest of 1 Orange
or Caffreys
120ml (4floz)
Bicarbonate of Soda 5ml (1tsp)
Medium Sized Eggs, beaten 2
Plain Flour 200g (7oz)
Mixed Spice 8ml (1 1/2tsp)
Topping (flaked almonds) 15g (1/2oz)
Topping (demerara sugar) 15g (1/2oz)
Heat the butter, dried fruit, sugar, zest and juice of an orange
and Guinness
together until the fruit plumps up. This can
be done on the hob by bringing the ingredients to the boil,
stirring and then simmering for 10-15mins or heating in the
microwave oven on High power for 8mins, stirring twice.
Leave to cool for 10mins, then stir in the bicarbonate
of soda, this will make the mixture foam.
Stir in the eggs, flour and mixed spice, and mix well.
Remove the kneading blade from the bread pan and
line the bottom and sides with baking parchment.
Place the mixture into the bread pan, being careful
to ensure that the mixture is inside the baking
Sprinkle the flaked almonds and demerara on the
top of the mixture.
Select Bake Only programme and enter 45mins on
the timer.
After baking test with a skewer to see if the cake is
cooked. If the cake does require extra time, select
the Bake Only programme again and enter a further
3-5mins on the timer. If it is still just slightly sticky this
will cook through during the stand period.
Take the bread pan out of the breadmaker using
oven gloves. Leave to stand for 5-10mins before
removing from the bread pan and allowing to cool.
Mixed Dried Fruit 350g (12oz)
Chopped Dates 50g (2oz)
Chopped Walnuts 50g (2oz)
Chopped Cherries 100g (4oz)
Strong tea 300ml (10 floz)
Butter 75g (3oz)
Medium Sized Eggs, beaten 3
Plain Flour 250g (9oz)
Bicarbonate of Soda 5ml (1tsp)
Fruit Tea Bread ‘Bake only’ (55m)
Place the fruit, dates, walnuts, cherries, water and
butter together and heat until the fat has melted and
the liquid is hot. This can be done on the hob or in
the microwave oven. (High power for 3-4mins)
Allow to cool slightly, then add eggs, flour and the
bicarbonate of soda. Mix well.
Remove the kneading blade from the bread pan and
line the bottom and sides with baking parchment.
Place the mixture into the bread pan, being careful
to ensure that the mixture is inside the baking
Select Bake Only programme and enter 55mins on
the timer.
After baking test with a skewer to see if the cake is
cooked. If the cake does require extra time, select
the Bake Only programme again and enter a further
3-5mins on the timer. If it is still just slightly sticky this
will cook through during the stand period.
Take the bread pan out of the breadmaker using
oven gloves. Leave to stand for 5-10mins before
removing from the bread pan and allowing to cool.
Demerara Sugar 25g (1oz)
Butter 75g (3oz)
Golden Syrup 50g (2oz)
Black Treacle 75g (3oz)
Plain Flour 225g (8oz)
Ground Ginger 8ml (1 1/2tsp)
Baking Powder 8ml (1 1/2tsp)
Bicarbonate of Soda 3ml (1/2tsp)
Salt 3ml (1/2tsp)
Milk 150ml (1/4 pint)
Medium Sized Egg, beaten 1
Gingerbread ‘Bake only’ (35m)
Warm sugar, butter, golden syrup and treacle
together until just melted. This can be done on the
hob or in the microwave oven (High power for 1min).
Stir in all of the sieved dry ingredients.
Mix in the milk and the beaten egg.
Beat thoroughly with a wooden spoon.
Remove the kneading blade from the bread pan and
line the bottom and sides with baking parchment.
Place the mixture into the bread pan, being careful
to ensure that the mixture is inside the baking
Select Bake Only programme and enter 35mins on
the timer.
After baking test with a skewer to see if the cake is
cooked. If the cake does require extra time, select
the Bake Only programme again and enter a further
3-5mins on the timer. If it is still just slightly sticky this
will cook through during the stand period.
Take the bread pan out of the breadmaker using
oven gloves. Leave to stand for 5-10mins before
removing from the bread pan and allowing to cool.
Boozy Cake ‘Bake only’ (45m)

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  • Bij ons panasonictoestel werkt het scherm niet meer. Je kan dus niets meer programmeren. Weet iemand wat er eventueel vervangen zou moeten worden? Gesteld op 11-2-2024 om 17:46

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
  • Onze PAnasonicsd2500 bakt nog perfect maar krijgen het gebakken brood er moeilijk uit, bij nader toezien zie ik dat de lak onder de roerder weg aan het gaan is waardoor het brood daar wat blijft vastkleven. bestaat er lak om dit te herstellen? Gesteld op 7-12-2023 om 22:43

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden

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Andere handleiding(en) van Panasonic SD-255

Panasonic SD-255 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 26 pagina's

Panasonic SD-255 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 32 pagina's

Panasonic SD-255 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 26 pagina's

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