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MX3 Plus English
Product name OMRON MX3 Plus
Model HEM-742-E
Display Digital LCD
Measuring range Pressure: 0 - 299 mmHg / Pulse: 40 - 180 beats/minute
Accuracy Pressure: ± 3 mmHg
Pulse: ± 5% of display reading
Inflation Automatic by electric pump
Deflation Automatic pressure release valve
Rapid pressure release Automatic exhaust valve
Pressure detection Capacitive pressure sensor
Measuring method Oscilliometric
Power supply 4 x 1.5V alkaline batteries type (LR6) AA
AC adapter (optional part)
Battery life New batteries will last for approximately 300 measurements
Operating temperature/humidity +10°C to +40°C / 30% to max. 85% relative humidity
Operating environment Free from excessive vibrations, shocks, magnetic fields,
electrical noise, etc.
Storage temperature/humidity -20°C to +60°C /10% to max. 95% relative humidity
Weight Approximately 350 gr including cuff, excluding batteries
Outer dimensions Approximately 118 mm (W) x 90 mm (H) x 130 mm (D)
Cuff dimensions Approximately 145 mm (W) x 480 mm (L)
Arm circumference 22 cm to 32 cm
Accessories Cuff, instruction manual, guarantee card, blood pressure pass
Optional parts Large cuff for arm circumferences between 32 - 42 cm, AC adapter
Note Subject to technical modification without prior notice
= Type B 0197
Manufacturer OMRON HEALTHCARE Co., Ltd.
24, Yamanouchi Yamanoshita-cho, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto, 615-0084 Japan
EU-representative OMRON HEALTHCARE EUROPE B.V., Kruisweg 577, NL-2132 NA
This device fulfils the provisions of the EC directive 93/42/EEC (Medical Device Directive). This blood
pressure monitor is designed according to the European standard EN1060, Non-invasive
sphygmomanometers Part 1: General Requirements and Part 3: Supplementary requirements for
electromechanical blood pressure measuring systems.
8 Technical data
compartment and insert four new identical
1.5V alkaline batteries type AA LR6
Spare parts
Due to high company quality standards,
OMRON considers the main unit as a
non-serviceable part because the need
for proper calibration after replacement
of high tech components.
Attention! Disposal of batteries
and the OMRON MX3 Plus
should be carried out in
accordance with the national
regulations for the disposal of
electronic products.
24102604 MX3PlusGB 01-12 03-11-2004 09:32 Pagina 9

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