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Baby unit
1. Adjust the channel
Press the M button once, A or B blinks rapidly.
Select the desired channel A or B using the and buttons.
Then press the M button to store.
The unit now returns to normal operations.
2. Adjust sound sensitivity
Press the M button and hold until the sensitivity indicator lights.
Adjust desired sensitivity using the and button. More arcs indicate higher
sensitivity (one light = low, two lights = medium and three lights = high sensitivity).
Then press the M button to store.
Parent unit
1. Adjust the channel
Press the M button once, A or B blinks rapidly.
Select the desired channel A or B using the and buttons.
Then press the M button to store.
The unit now returns to normal operations.
NOTE! If the M button is not pressed within 20 seconds after the last button
press the unit will automatically return to normal operations without storing
the new settings!
Both units can be used while being charged.
The units are connected to the wall power outlet using the adapters included (17). Only these
adapters must be used.
Plug the adapters into the contact (11) on the baby unit and the parent unit. The
batteries will now be charging and will be fully charged within four to six hours.
The units will then switch to maintenance mode. The batteries will therefore not
be damaged even if they remain connected to the adapter for a long period.
Note: Rechargeable batteries are consumables, gradually losing power
when used.
Extra battery packs can be purchased from the dealer. Read the
troubleshooting guide in case of problems.
* 2 sets of environmentally friendly battery packs 3.6V NiMH 600mAh.
* Transmitter frequency: 2 channels, frequency range 863 - 865 MHz.
* Working temperatures: 0°C to +40°C. Storage temperature: -20°C to +40°C.
* Output rating baby unit < 10mW.
Technical specifications
subject to change
Using the charger and batteries
The authorities have assigned only a limited number of frequencies and a very limited transmitter
power rating to electronic baby monitors. Interference may therefore occur from other baby monitors
while your baby unit has been activated by sounds from your child(traffic interference). This is
normally heard as distortion and/or screeching/beeping sounds in the speaker. If this occurs, try to
switch channels and select a lower sensitivity to prevent it from being activated due to weak
sounds/movement from your child. If this does not help, there is nothing else that can be done, but

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Andere handleiding(en) van Nova Prima Nova

Nova Prima Nova Aanvulling / aanpassing - Nederlands - 1 pagina's

Nova Prima Nova Aanvulling / aanpassing - English - 1 pagina's

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