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This vehicle should not be modified.
Modification could affect its
performance, safety or durability and may
even violate governmental regulations. In
addition, damage or performance prob-
lems resulting from modifications may
not be covered under NISSAN warranties.
This manual includes information for all features
and equipment available on this model. Features
and equipment in your vehicle may vary depend-
ing on model, trim level, options selected, order,
date of production, region or availability. There-
fore, you may find information about features or
equipment that are not included or installed on
your vehicle.
All information, specifications and illustrations in
this manual are those in effect at the time of
printing. NISSAN reserves the right to change
specifications, performance, design or compo-
nent suppliers without notice and without
obligation. From time to time, NISSAN may
update or revise this manual to provide Owners
with the most accurate information currently
available. Please carefully read and retain with
this manual all revision updates sent to you by
NISSAN to ensure you have access to accurate
and up-to-date information regarding your ve-
hicle. Current versions of vehicle Owner’s Manu-
als and any updates can also be found in the
Owner section of the NISSAN website at
If you have ques-
tions concerning any information in your Owner’s
Manual, contact NISSAN Consumer Affairs. See
in this Owner’s Manual for contact information.
You will see various symbols in this manual. They
are used in the following ways:
This is used to indicate the presence of a
hazard that could cause death or serious
personal injury. To avoid or reduce the
risk, the procedures must be followed
This is used to indicate the presence of a
hazard that could cause minor or moder-
ate personal injury or damage to your ve-
hicle. To avoid or reduce the risk, the pro-
cedures must be followed carefully.

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