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Welcome to the growing family of new NISSAN
owners. This vehicle is delivered to you with
confidence. It was produced using the latest
techniques and strict quality control.
This manual was prepared to help you under-
stand the operation and maintenance of your
vehicle so that you may enjoy many miles (kilome-
ters) of driving pleasure. Please read through this
manual before operating your vehicle.
A separate Warranty Information Booklet
explains details about the warranties cov-
ering your vehicle. The “NISSAN Service
and Maintenance Guide” explains details
about maintaining and servicing your ve-
hicle. You will also receive a separate Cus-
tomer Care/Lemon Law Booklet (U.S. only)
will explain how to resolve any concerns
you may have with your vehicle, and clarify
your rights under your state’s lemon law.
Additionally, you may receive a separate
Navigation Manual (if so equipped) that
will explain the various features and func-
tions your system may have.
A NISSAN dealership knows your vehicle best.
When you require any service or have any ques-
tions, they will be glad to assist you with the
extensive resources available to them.
In addition to factory-installed options, your ve-
hicle may also be equipped with additional ac-
cessories installed by NISSAN or by a NISSAN
dealer prior to delivery. It is important that you
familiarize yourself with all disclosures, warnings,
cautions and instructions concerning proper use
of such accessories prior to operating the vehicle
and/or accessory. See a NISSAN dealer for de-
tails concerning the particular accessories with
which your vehicle is equipped.
Before driving your vehicle, please read this
Owner’s Manual carefully. This will ensure famil-
iarity with controls and maintenance require-
ments assisting you in the safe operation of your
Follow these important driving rules to
help ensure a safe and comfortable trip
for you and your passengers!
NEVER drive under the influence of al-
cohol or drugs.
ALWAYS observe posted speed limits
and never drive too fast for conditions.
ALWAYS give your full attention to driving
and avoid using vehicle features or taking
other actions that could distract you.
ALWAYS use your seat belts and appro-
priate child restraint systems. Preteen
children should be seated in the rear seat.
ALWAYS provide information about the
proper use of vehicle safety features to
all occupants of the vehicle.
ALWAYS review this Owner’s Manual
for important safety information.

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