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NISSAN recommends the use of unleaded pre-
mium gasoline with an octane rating of at least
91 AKI (Anti-Knock Index) number (Research
octane number 96). If unleaded premium gaso-
line is not available, you may use unleaded regu-
lar gasoline with an octane rating of at least
87 AKI number (Research octane number 91),
but you may notice a decrease in performance.
Using a fuel other than that specified
could adversely affect the emission
control system, and may also affect the
warranty coverage.
Under no circumstances should a
leaded gasoline be used, because this
will damage the three-way catalyst.
Do not use E-15 or E-85 fuel in your
vehicle. Your vehicle is not designed to
run on E-15 E-85 fuel. Using E-15 or E-85
fuel in a vehicle not specifically de-
signed for E-15 or E-85 fuel can ad-
versely affect the emission control de-
vices and systems of the vehicle.
Damage caused by such fuel is not cov-
ered by the NISSAN new vehicle limited
U.S. government regulations require
ethanol dispensing pumps to be identi-
fied by a small, square, orange and
black label with the common abbrevia-
tion or the appropriate percentage for
that region.
For additional information, refer to “Recom-
mended fluids/lubricants and capacities” in the
“Technical and consumer information” section.
Genuine NISSAN engine oil or equivalent
Engine oil with API Certification Mark
Viscosity SAE 0W-20
For additional information, refer to “Engine oil and
oil filter recommendation” in the “Technical and
consumer information” section of this manual.
Refer to the Tire and loading information label.
The label is typically located on the driver side
center pillar or on the driver’s door. For additional
information, refer to “Wheels and tires” in the
“Maintenance and do-it-yourself” section of this
During the first 1,200 mi (2,000 km) of vehicle
use, follow the break-in procedure recommenda-
tions for the future reliability and economy of your
new vehicle. For additional information, refer to
“Break-in schedule” in the “Starting and driving”
section of this manual. Failure to follow these
recommendations may result in vehicle damage
or shortened engine life.

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