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9098960000(1)2011-04 A SCRUBTEC R 466 - R 471 - R 471C - BOOST
R4 3
Nil sk Alto constantly improves its products and reserves the right to make changes and improvements at its discretion without
being obliged to apply such bene ts to the machines that were previously sold.
Any change and/or addition of accessories must be approved and performed by Nil sk Alto.
This scrubber-dryer is used to clean (scrubbing and drying) smooth and solid oors, in civil or industrial environment, under safe
operation conditions by a quali ed operator.
The scrubber-dryer cannot be used for tted carpet and carpet cleaning.
Forward, backward, front, rear, left or right are intended with reference to the operator’s position, that is to say on the driver’s seat
To unpack the machine, carefully follow the instructions on the packing.
To move the machine manually, see the Pushing/Towing The Machine paragraph.
Upon delivery carefully check that the machine and its packing have not been damaged during transportation. In case of visible
damages, keep the packing and have it checked by the carrier that delivered it. Call the carrier immediately to ll in a damage claim.
Check that the machine is equipped with the following features:
Technical documents:
Scrubber-dryer User Manual
Battery Charger Manual
Scrubber-dryer Spare Parts List
No. 2 lamellar fuses
No. 1 battery charger spare connector
No. 2 shims for 6 V battery housing
The following symbols indicate potentially dangerous situations. Always read this information carefully and take all necessary
precautions to safeguard people and property.
The operator’s cooperation is essential in order to prevent injury. No accident prevention program is effective without the total
cooperation of the person responsible for the machine operation. Most of the accidents that may occur in a factory, while working
or moving around, are caused by failure to comply with the simplest rules for exercising prudence. A careful and prudent operator is
the best guarantee against accidents and is essential for successful completion of any prevention program.
It indicates a dangerous situation with risk of death for the operator.
It indicates a potential risk of injury for people or damage to objects.
It indicates a caution or a remark related to important or useful functions. Pay careful attention to the
paragraphs marked by this symbol.
It indicates a remark related to important or useful functions.
It indicates the necessity to refer to the User Manual before performing any procedure.
9098960000(1)2011-04 A.indb 39098960000(1)2011-04 A.indb 3 07/04/2011 15:59:1207/04/2011 15:59:12

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