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2 SCRUBTEC R 466 - R 471 - R 471C - BOOST
R4 9098960000(1)2011-04 A
The numbers in brackets refer to the components shown in Machine Description chapter.
The purpose of this Manual is to provide the operator with all necessary information to use the machine properly, in a safe and
autonomous way. It contains information about technical data, safety, operation, storage, maintenance, spare parts and disposal.
Before performing any procedure on the machine, the operators and quali ed technicians must read this Manual carefully. Contact
Nil sk Alto in case of doubts concerning the interpretation of the instructions and for any further information.
This Manual is intended for operators and technicians quali ed to perform the machine maintenance.
The operators must not perform procedures reserved for quali ed technicians. Nil sk Alto will not be answerable for damages
coming from the non-observance of this prohibition.
The User Manual must be kept near the machine, inside an adequate case, away from liquids and other substances that can cause
damage to it.
The Declaration of Conformity, supplied with the machine, certi es the machine conformity with the law in force.
Two copies of the original declaration of conformity are provided together with the machine documentation.
The machine serial number and model are shown on the plate (21) on the steering column.
The machine production year is written in the declaration of conformity and it is also indicated by the rst two gures of the machine
serial number.
This information is useful when requiring machine spare parts. Use the following table to write down the machine identi cation data.
MACHINE model ...............................................................................
MACHINE serial number ...................................................................
Electronic Battery Charger Manual (to be considered as integral part of this Manual)
Moreover, the following Manuals are available:
Service Manual (that can be consulted at Nil sk Alto Service Centers)
Spare Parts List (supplied with the machine)
All necessary operating, maintenance and repair procedures must be performed by quali ed personnel or by Alto Service Centers.
Only original spare parts and accessories must be used.
Contact Nil sk Alto for service or to order spare parts and accessories, specifying the machine model and serial number.
9098960000(1)2011-04 A.indb 29098960000(1)2011-04 A.indb 2 07/04/2011 15:59:1207/04/2011 15:59:12

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