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9098960000(1)2011-04 A SCRUBTEC R 466 - R 471 - R 471C - BOOST
R4 5
Do not use the machine in particularly dusty areas.
Use the machine only where a proper lighting is provided.
If the machine is to be used where there are other people besides the operator, it is necessary to install the
pivoting light (optional).
While using this machine, take care not to cause damage to people or objects.
Do not bump into shelves or scaffoldings, especially where there is a risk of falling objects.
Do not put any can containing uids on the machine.
The machine working temperature must be between 0 °C and +40 °C.
The machine storage temperature must be between 0 °C and +40 °C.
The humidity must be between 30% and 95%.
When using oor cleaning detergents, follow the instructions on the labels of the detergent bottles.
To handle oor cleaning detergents, wear suitable gloves and protections.
Do not use the machine as a means of transport.
Do not allow the brushes to operate while the machine is stationary to avoid damaging the oor.
In case of re, use a powder re extinguisher, not a water one.
Do not tamper with the machine safety guards and follow the ordinary maintenance instructions
Do not allow any object to enter into the openings. Do not use the machine if the openings are clogged.
Always keep the openings free from dust, hairs and any other foreign material which could reduce the air
Do not remove or modify the plates af xed to the machine.
To manually move the machine, the electromagnetic brake must be disengaged. When the operation is over,
the electromagnetic brake must be activated again. Do not use the machine when the electromagnetic brake
handwheel is screwed down.
When the machine is to be pushed for service reasons (missing or discharged batteries, etc.), the speed
must not exceed 4 km/h.
This machine cannot be used on roads or public streets.
Pay attention during machine transportation when temperature is below freezing point. The water in the
recovery tank or in the hoses could freeze and seriously damage the machine.
Use brushes and pads supplied with the machine or those speci ed in the User Manual. Using other brushes
or pads could reduce safety.
In case of machine malfunctions, ensure that these are not due to lack of maintenance. Otherwise, request
assistance from the authorised personnel or from an authorised Service Center.
If parts must be replaced, require ORIGINAL spare parts from an Authorised Dealer or Retailer.
To ensure machine proper and safe operation, the scheduled maintenance shown in the relevant chapter of
this Manual, must be performed by the authorised personnel or by an authorised Service Center.
Do not wash the machine with direct or pressurised water jets, or with corrosive substances.
When WET batteries are installed on the machine, do not tilt the machine for more than 30° from the
horizontal plane to prevent the highly corrosive acid from leaking out of the batteries. If the machine must be
tilted to perform any maintenance procedure, remove the batteries.
The machine must be disposed of properly, because of the presence of toxic-harmful materials (batteries,
etc.), which are subject to standards that require disposal in special centres (see Scrapping chapter).
9098960000(1)2011-04 A.indb 59098960000(1)2011-04 A.indb 5 07/04/2011 15:59:1307/04/2011 15:59:13

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