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Neato Botvac
User Manual Neato Botvac
User Manual
My Left Wheel
is stuck.
Please free
it from
The left wheel is
stuck and the robot is
experiencing mobility
Make sure the wheel
does not have debris
wrapped around it.
If issue persists,
please contact Neato
Customer Care. Go to
and click on Support
for additional
put me
down on
the floor.
Botvac was picked up.
It must be returned
to the floor to resume
Place the robot back
on the floor.
Please clean
my right drop
sensor window.
The right drop sensor
window on the under
side of Botvac needs
to be cleaned.
Gently clean the drop
sensors with a soft
Please clean
my left drop
sensor window.
The left drop sensor
window on the under
side of Botvac needs
to be cleaned.
Gently clean the drop
sensors with a soft
My Bumper
is stuck.
free it.
The bumper or
bumper sensor are
being triggered and
may be stuck.
Gently tap the bumper
to free it — you should
hear TWO clicks when
the bumper is pressed.
One when it is pressed
in and one when it
pops back out.
return me
to my base.
Botvac needs to
recharge and cannot
find a charge base.
If the cleaning session
was started from a
charge base:
1. End current
cleaning cycle.
2. Relocate the
charge base to a
more open area
with at least 3 feet
of open space on
either side of it
so the robot can
better locate the
charge base when it
needs to return for
3. Take the robot to
the charge base and
restart the cleaning
If a cleaning was
started away from a
charge base (example
– for spot cleaning or
to clean another room
without a charge
base) then the robot
will return to where
it started. Pick up the
robot and place it on
the charge base.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Neato Botvac Connected

Neato Botvac Connected Aanvulling / aanpassing - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Neato Botvac Connected Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 164 pagina's

Neato Botvac Connected Aanvulling / aanpassing - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

Neato Botvac Connected Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 164 pagina's

Neato Botvac Connected Aanvulling / aanpassing - English - 2 pagina's

Neato Botvac Connected Snelstart handleiding - English - 164 pagina's

Neato Botvac Connected Aanvulling / aanpassing - Français - 2 pagina's

Neato Botvac Connected Snelstart handleiding - Français - 164 pagina's

Neato Botvac Connected Aanvulling / aanpassing - Italiano - 2 pagina's

Neato Botvac Connected Snelstart handleiding - Italiano - 164 pagina's

Neato Botvac Connected Aanvulling / aanpassing - Espanõl - 2 pagina's

Neato Botvac Connected Snelstart handleiding - Espanõl - 164 pagina's

Neato Botvac Connected Aanvulling / aanpassing - Dansk - 2 pagina's

Neato Botvac Connected Snelstart handleiding - Dansk - 164 pagina's

Neato Botvac Connected Aanvulling / aanpassing - Svenska - 2 pagina's

Neato Botvac Connected Snelstart handleiding - Svenska - 164 pagina's

Neato Botvac Connected Aanvulling / aanpassing - Norsk - 2 pagina's

Neato Botvac Connected Snelstart handleiding - Norsk - 164 pagina's

Neato Botvac Connected Aanvulling / aanpassing - Suomi - 2 pagina's

Neato Botvac Connected Snelstart handleiding - Suomi - 164 pagina's

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