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Neato Botvac
User Manual Neato Botvac
User Manual
Risk of injury!
• Never run the robot over any part of the body. Do not
vacuum close to children or pets; keep body parts away
from the spinning brush.
Risk of pinching!
• Keep away from moving parts.
Note! Risk of damage from improper use!
• Use Neato Genuine Accessory parts only.
• Use the charge base exclusively with the alternating current
voltage stated on the type plate and on a connection that
has been properly installed by an expert.
• Do not use the robot if the charge base, the power cord or
the robot are faulty or damaged, or if the robot has not been
completely assembled.
• If the power cord or charge base is faulty, it must be
replaced with a Neato Genuine Accessory to avoid hazards.
• Never try to repair the robot by yourself.
• This robot is intended for indoor use only.
• This robot is intended for the cleaning of floors only.
• Make sure that children do not play with the robot.
• Keep children and pets away from the robot; do not let them
stand or sit on it.
• Do not vacuum up any cleaning powders with the robot.
• Very fine sand, limestone, cement dust or similar particulates
will block the pores of the filter and reduce performance.
• Never use the robot without the filter. This will damage the
motor and shorten the life of the robot.
• To charge the robot, only use the power cord and charge
base included in the box.
• Do not cover the infrared window of the charge base with
stickers or other objects that can block the window.
• Do not block the sensors on the robot. Otherwise it will no
longer be able to orientate itself or communicate with the
charge base.
• The robot can be used on most carpets with a fiber length
of up to 0.7in (20mm). It may move slower on carpet than
hard wood.
• Do not use 3
party batteries with the robot. Only use
Genuine Neato Accessory batteries.
• Do not use the robot on top of worktops or glass-ceramic
stove tops.
• Make sure that no fragile, light or loose objects are within
range of the robot.
• If the drop sensors are dirty, the robot may fall down stairs
or off ledges. This can cause serious damage to the device.
Please clean the drop sensors regularly
• If there are steps in the working area of the robot, the
enclosed boundary markers can be applied to the top stair.
The minimum distance to the edge of the step should be
approximately 0.75in (2cm) on hardwood or thin carpet. On
thick carpet the minimum distance to the edge of the step
should be approximately 6in (15cm). This is an extra safety
measure to prevent the robot from falling off a ledge or

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Andere handleiding(en) van Neato Botvac Connected

Neato Botvac Connected Aanvulling / aanpassing - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Neato Botvac Connected Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 164 pagina's

Neato Botvac Connected Aanvulling / aanpassing - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

Neato Botvac Connected Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 164 pagina's

Neato Botvac Connected Aanvulling / aanpassing - English - 2 pagina's

Neato Botvac Connected Snelstart handleiding - English - 164 pagina's

Neato Botvac Connected Aanvulling / aanpassing - Français - 2 pagina's

Neato Botvac Connected Snelstart handleiding - Français - 164 pagina's

Neato Botvac Connected Aanvulling / aanpassing - Italiano - 2 pagina's

Neato Botvac Connected Snelstart handleiding - Italiano - 164 pagina's

Neato Botvac Connected Aanvulling / aanpassing - Espanõl - 2 pagina's

Neato Botvac Connected Snelstart handleiding - Espanõl - 164 pagina's

Neato Botvac Connected Aanvulling / aanpassing - Dansk - 2 pagina's

Neato Botvac Connected Snelstart handleiding - Dansk - 164 pagina's

Neato Botvac Connected Aanvulling / aanpassing - Svenska - 2 pagina's

Neato Botvac Connected Snelstart handleiding - Svenska - 164 pagina's

Neato Botvac Connected Aanvulling / aanpassing - Norsk - 2 pagina's

Neato Botvac Connected Snelstart handleiding - Norsk - 164 pagina's

Neato Botvac Connected Aanvulling / aanpassing - Suomi - 2 pagina's

Neato Botvac Connected Snelstart handleiding - Suomi - 164 pagina's

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