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Read the instructions for use carefully before using your appliance for the first time: Moulinex
shall not accept any liability in the event of any use that does not comply with the
Any intervention other than cleaning and usual maintenance by the customer must be carried out
by a Moulinex approved service centre.
Check that your power supply voltage corresponds to that shown on the appliance (alternating
current only). Any error in plugging in your appliance may cause irreversible damage and invalidate
the guarantee.
Given the diverse standards in effect, if the appliance is used in a country other than that in which
it is purchased, have it checked by an Approved Service Agent.
Switch off the appliance and disconnect it from the power supply before leaving the appliance
unsupervised and before touching any moving parts.
• Do not immerse the appliance, power cord or plug in water or any other liquid.
• Never leave the power cord within reach of children, near a source of heat or on a sharp edge.
• Never disconnect the plug by pulling on the power cord.
• For your own safety, only use Moulinex accessories and spare parts suitable for your appliance.
• For your safety this appliance complies with the Standards and Regulations that apply:
- Low Voltage Directive
- Electromagnetic Compatibility
- Environment
- Materials in contact with foodstuffs.
Handle the blade (C) with caution; risk of cuts.
Your coffee grinder can grind up to 50g of coffee beans or dried spices (e.g. coriander seeds).
Do not operate your appliance for more than 20 seconds in continuous operation.
• Do not use this appliance to grind non-food items.
Unplug the appliance.
• Clean the casing, bowl, blade and lid with a dry cloth.
• Do not use abrasive sponges or objects containing metal parts.
• Never submerge the motor unit (A) in water and never use a damp sponge.
• Take care to clean the container quickly after each use.
First check the electrical connection and then that the lid (D) is correctly positioned on the bowl (B).
Please note: the appliance will not start up if the lid is not locked correctly.
• If these instructions are not followed, your coffee grinder may not work.
You have carefully followed these instructions and your appliance is still not working? In this
case, contact your retailer or a Moulinex approved service centre (see list in the «Moulinex Service»
Environmental protection first!
Your appliance contains numerous materials that can be recovered or recycled. Take it
to a collection point for processing.

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