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Before using the power tool, carefully read through
and familiarise yourself with all the enclosed safety
information and the Operating Instructions. Keep
all enclosed documentation for future reference,
and pass on your power tool only together with this
For your own protection and for the
protection of your power tool pay atten-
tion to all parts of the text that are
marked with this symbol!
Keep body parts well away from the cutting
blade. Never attempt to remove cuttings with
the blade running, or to hold on to material to
be cut. Remove jammed cuttings only when the
machine is switched off and the battery pack is
removed from the machine.
A moment of inat-
tentiveness when using the machine can result in
serious injuries.
Carry the machine by the handle when the
cutting blade is stationary. When transporting
or storing the machine, always pull on the
Careful handling of the machine
reduces the risk of injury from the cutting blade.
Never use in rain or on wet hedges.
Persons under the age of 16 must not used the
Never use an incomplete machine, or one on
which an unauthorised modification has been
Do not switch on the machine if tool parts or guard
devices are missing or defective.
The machine is provided with a "Quick stop" func-
tion. Have the machine repaired if braking time is
clearly lengthened.
Danger of injury from the sharp edges of the
blades. Never touch the blades. Wear protective
Always wear protective goggles, gloves, and suit-
able shoes when working with the machine.
When working with the machine, hold it with one
hand only (grip the handle (2)) and take a secure
stance. Pay attention to obstacles in the working
area - danger of tripping. Keep the cutting blade
well away from the body.
Examine the area to be cut and remove wire or
other foreign bodies.
If the cutting blades seize, the machine switches
off automatically. Release the trigger switch (5).
After elimination of the blockage, you can continue
work normally. Try to prevent the machine from
seizing. Multiple blocking results in damage to the
If the cutting blades come to a standstill due to a
particularly hard branch or foreign body (wire in a
hedge) and the stoppage cannot be corrected by
pulling the machine back, the motor must first be
switched off and the battery pack removed from
the machine before the cause of the blockage can
be removed manually from the cutting blade.
For other activities (e.g. removing twigs or
cuttings), deposit the machine outside the working
Lay the machine down such that persons are not
at risk.
For storage and transportation, always slide the
enclosure onto the cutting blades.
Only carry the machine by the handle.
Remove the battery pack from the machine before
any adjustments, conversions or servicing are
Before fitting the battery pack, make sure that the
machine is switched off.
Protect battery packs from water and
Do not expose battery packs to naked
Do not use faulty or deformed battery packs!
Do not open battery packs!
Do not touch or short-circuit battery packs!
Slightly acidic, flammable fluid may leak
from defective Li-ion battery packs!
If battery fluid leaks out and comes into contact
with your skin, rinse immediately with plenty of
water. If battery fluid leaks out and comes into
contact with your eyes, wash them with clean
water and seek medical treatment immediately.
Do not recharge a fully charged battery pack!
Overcharging damages and shortens the life span
of the battery pack!
Protect the charger from moisture.
Danger - electrical voltage!
Only use the charger indoors.
Keep children away from the battery
charger and the working area! Keep your battery
charger out of reach of children!
Children should be supervised to ensure that they
do not play with the tool.
4 Special Safety Instructions
17026903_0409 PowerCutter.book Seite 12 Dienstag, 14. April 2009 1:33 13

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