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saw by the cord or pull it to disconnect from receptacle.
Keep cord from oil and sharp edges. Inspect extension
cords periodically and replace if damaged. Keep tools
sharp and clean for better and safer performance. Follow
instructions for lubricating and changing accessories.
Keep handles dry, clean, and free from oil and grease.
- Disconnect Chain Saw
Disconnect chain saw when not in use, before servicing,
and when changing accessories and attachments, such
as saw chain and guard (6).
- Outdoor Use Extension Cords
Use only extension cords intended for use outdoors and
so markerd.
- Stay Alert
Watch what you are doing. Use common sense. Do not
operate chain saw when you are tired. Keep all parts of
the body away from the saw chain when the motor is
operating. Before you start the saw, make sure the saw
chain is not contacting anything.
- Check Damaged Parts
Before further use of the chain saw, a guard or other
part that is damaged should be carefully checked to
determine that it will operate properly and perform its
intended function. Check for alignment of moving parts,
binding of moving parts, breakage of parts, mounting,
and any other conditions that may affect its operation. A
guard or other part that is damaged should be properly
repaired or replaced by an authorized service center
unless otherwise indicated elsewhere in this instruction
manual. Have defective switches be replaced by
authorized service center. Do not use chain saw if the
switch does not turn the saw on and off. Do not operate
a chain saw that is damaged, improperly adjusted, or is
not completely and securely assembled (7). Be sure that
the saw chain stops moving when the trigger is released.
- Guard Against Kickback
WARNlNG: KICKBACK may occur when the nose or tip
of the guide bar touches an object (8), or when the wood
closes in and pinches the saw chain in the cut. Tip contact
in some cases may cause a lightning fast reverse
reaction, kicking the guide bar up and back towards the
operator. Pinching the saw chain along the top of the
guide bar may push the guide bar rapidly back towards
the operator. Either of these reactions may cause you
to lose control of the saw which could result in serious
injury to user. The following precautions should be
followed to minimize kickback:
- Grip saw firmly. Hold the chain saw firmly with both
hands when the motor is running (9). Use a firm grip
with thumbs and fingers encircling the chain saw
- Do not over reach.
- Keep proper footing and balance at all times.
- Dont let the nose of the guide bar contact a log,
branch, ground, or other obstruction.
- Dont cut above shoulder height (10).
- Use devices such as low kickback chain, chain brakes
and special guide bars that reduce the risks associated
with kickback.
- Only use replacement bars and chains specified by
the rnanufacturer.
device malfunction
refill oil
sharpen the saw chain

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Andere handleiding(en) van Makita UC 4000A

Makita UC 4000A Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 20 pagina's

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