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1. Preheat your oven to 170 °C (gas mark 3). Cut the butter into small dice.
2. Chop the walnuts in the main bowl fitted with the metal blade for 30 seconds. Add the
sugar, flour, eggs, salt, rum and butter. Blend for 2 minutes.
3. While the machine is still running, add the baking powder via the feed tube. Blend
for a further 10 seconds.
4. Pour the mixture into a well-buttered tin.
5. Bake for about 30 minutes. To check that the cake is cooked, insert the tip of a knife.
It should come out clean.
6. Allow to cool in the oven with the door ajar.
To make the French meringue
1. Separate the eggs.
2. Beat the egg whites for 5 minutes in the main bowl fitted with the whisk, remembering
to remove the pusher first.
3. When the egg whites are stiff, gradually add the two sugars via the feed tube or
opening. Continue whisking for 1 minute. The whites should be firm.
4. Line a baking tray with baking parchment and pipe* or spoon small circles of meringue
(about 8 cm across) onto it.
5. Bake in a very cool oven (60 °C) for 2½ hours.
To make the whipped cream
1. Chill the bowl and ingredients in the fridge for 1 hour beforehand.
2. Pour the cream into the bowl equipped with the whisk.
3. Switch your food processor on, remembering to remove the pusher.
4. Whisk for 8-10 minutes, keeping a careful eye on the cream to make sure it does not
turn into butter. When the cream starts to thicken, add the vanilla sugar.
5. Just before serving, coat the meringues in whipped cream. Add the fruit and mint
Chefs tips: You can use other sorts of fruit (peaches, apples, grapes, etc.). A raspberry
coulis (recipe p. 116) makes an especially delicious addition.
1. Cut the pineapple into quarters and remove the thick skin.
2. Slice the pineapple in the midi bowl fitted with the 4-mm slicing disc. Set aside.
3. Cut the melon into quarters and remove the thick rind. Slice the quarters lengthways.
Set aside.
4. Wash and hull the strawberries. Put them with the mint leaves in the bowl with the metal
5. Blend the strawberries. While the machine is running, add the icing sugar and freshly-
squeezed lemon juice via the feed tube or opening.
6. Pour some strawberry coulis onto each plate. Arrange alternate slices of melon and
pineapple on top.
7. Decorate with a few mint leaves and a whole strawberry in the centre.
8. Serve chilled.
Walnut cake Pavlova
Melon and pineapple fan
Preparation: 15 min Baking: 30 min Equipment: cake tin Preparation: 20 min Baking: 2½ hr Equipment: piping bag* (optional)
Preparation: 15 min
150g shelled walnuts
120g caster sugar
100g softened butter
40g plain flour
1 tbsp rum
3 eggs
1 level tbsp baking powder
1 pinch salt
300g strawberries
1 Victoria pineapple
1 firm-fleshed melon
3 tbsp icing sugar
½ lemon
Mint leaves
1 cake
Serves 6-8
Serves 4
French meringue
125 g caster sugar
125 g icing sugar
100 g strawberries
100 g raspberries
5 egg whites
Mint leaves
Whipped cream
300 ml whipping cream
1 level tbsp vanilla-flavoured sugar

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Andere handleiding(en) van Magimix 4200XL

Magimix 4200XL Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 24 pagina's

Magimix 4200XL Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch, Italiano, Espanõl - 144 pagina's

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