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To make the pizza dough
1. Stir the yeast into the warm water (approx. 35 °C) with a fork until it dissolves. Allow
to rest for 1 minute.
2. Put the salt, flour, oregano, oil and yeast liquid in the main bowl fitted with the dough
3. Process for 1 minute or until the dough starts to form a ball. If necessary, scrape the
bowl walls clean with the spatula and run the processor for a further few seconds.
4. Lift the dough out of the bowl with floured hands and roll it into a ball. Place it in a
large mixing bowl and cover with cling film or a damp cloth. Leave to rise for approx.
1 hour.
5. With floured hands, knock back* the dough by giving it a few gentle punches
6. Fill the dripping pan in the oven with water and preheat your oven to 240 °C (gas
mark 9).
7. Roll the dough out
. on a floured worktop to form one large pizza base (or two
smaller ones). Prick it all over with a fork
To make the topping
1. Wash the vegetables and peel the onion. Fit the 2-mm slicing disc in the midi bowl.
Slice the onions and set aside. Slice the courgette and tomatoes, transfer to a colander
and sprinkle with salt to get rid of the excess juices.
2. Fry the sliced onion in a little olive oil.
3. Spread the tomato coulis over the pizza base. Add the onions and the drained
courgette and tomato slices. Top with round slices of mozzarella. Season each layer
with salt and pepper.
4. Lower the oven temperature to 220 °C (gas mark 7) and bake the pizza for 15-20
minutes, depending on the thickness of the base. Check it at regular intervals.
5. As soon as you take it out of the oven, scatter with torn leaves of fresh basil and
drizzle with chili oil.
Veggie pizza
Preparation: 45 min Resting: 1hr Baking: 15-20 min
1 large pizza
200g strong white bread flour
100ml hand-hot water
35ml olive oil
4g salt
6g fresh yeast*
1 tsp dried oregano (optional)
300g mozzarella cheese
6 tbsp tomato coulis
1 small courgette
2 tomatoes
1 onion
Fresh basil
Chili oil

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Andere handleiding(en) van Magimix 4200XL

Magimix 4200XL Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 24 pagina's

Magimix 4200XL Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch, Italiano, Espanõl - 144 pagina's

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