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Loewe bild 1
Short-form instructions
For your safety, and to avoid unnecessary damage to your unit,
please read and follow the safety instructions below:
Intended use and ambient conditions
This TV set is intended exclusively for receiving and playing visual and
audio signals. The TV set is designed for dry rooms (living rooms and
offices). It must not be operated in rooms with high humidity (for
example bathroom, sauna).
Please note that our TV sets are sensitive to dust and sooty particles
in the ambient air.
Excessive environmental pollutions of this kind can lead to damage of
the device up to a malfunction.
Pay attention to a clean ambient air, so that your device is not damaged.
Behind the panel plate of the LCD TV set, soot and dust deposits may
appear without a soot generating source being visibly present. Such
soot and dust deposits are also referred to as „fogging“ or „magic
dust“. This phenomenon occurs sporadically, but in particular during
the heating period and after renovations and in new buildings. As a
cause for this, various factors are mentioned, see also reports on the
The cleaning or replacement of the panel is excluded from the warranty
claims in such cases, because it is not a defect of the device, but an
external influence.
This TV set is intended exclusively for receiving and playing visual and
audio signals. It must not be used in rooms with a high level of humidity
(e.g. bathroom, sauna) or a high dust concentration. The manufacturer‘s
warranty is only valid for use in the specified permissible environment.
If the unit is used outdoors, make sure that it is protected from moisture
(rain, dripping water and splashing water or dew). High humidity and
dust concentrations lead to leakage currents in the device. This can
result in a shock hazard when touching it or even fire.
If you have moved the unit out of the cold into a warm environment,
leave it switched off for about an hour to avoid the formation of con-
Do not place objects containing liquids on top of
the unit. Protect the appliance against dripping
and splashing water.
Candles or naked flames must be kept away from
the TV set at all times to prevent it from catching
Never place the TV set in a location where it is
exposed to vibrations. This may lead to damage.
Move the device in vertical position only. Get hold of the device on the
upper and lower edges of the housing.
Do not stand it up on the bottom edge, so as to reduce the risk of
damage and soiling. If the set has to be put down during packing/
unpacking, place the TV set with its entire front surface lying flat on
soft material. Use a blanket or the fleece from the packing material as
an underlay.
The LCD screen is made of glass or plastic and can break if not handled
Always wear rubber gloves to carry the TV set if the LCD screen is
damaged and liquid crystal might be leaking out. In the case of skin
contact immediately rinse thoroughly with water.
Power supply
Incorrect voltages can damage the unit. This device may only be
connected to an electric power system with the voltage and frequency
indicated on the rating plate and using the existing
cord. The mains plug of the TV set must be easily accessible so that the
device can be disconnected from the mains at any time. When unplugging
the unit from the mains, pull at the connector body and not at the cable.
The cables in the mains plug could otherwise be damaged and could
cause a short-circuit when plugged in again.
Lay the mains cable so that it cannot be damaged. Do not step on the
mains cable. The mains cable may not be kinked or laid over sharp
edges nor be exposed to chemicals; the latter also applies to the unit
as a whole. A mains cable with damaged insulation can cause electric
shocks and poses a fire risk.
Air circulation and high temperatures
The vent slots on the rear panel of the set must always be kept
unobstructed. Please do not place newspapers or cloths on/over the
TV set.
Make sure that there is at least 10 cm free space
on the sides and above the set for air circulation,
if the set is placed in a cabinet or on a shelf.
Like any electronic device, your TV set requires
air for cooling. Obstruction of the air circulation
can cause fires.
Prevent metal items, needles, paper clips, liquids, wax, or similar items,
from getting into the interior of the device through the vent slots in the
rear panel. Such objects can cause short circuits in the set, which
could possibly cause a fire.
If something should get into the interior of the set then immediately
unplug the mains plug of the device and contact the field service for
more information.
Loewe flatscreen TV sets are specified for Loewe accessories. The TV
set is suitable for mounting in many different ways. Note the assembly
instructions regarding the different possible mounting options. Be
careful with tools during the installation of the mounting option. Install
your combination of equipment in such a way that it presents no
danger to playing children, for example, and also cannot be damaged.
When using accessories from other manufacturers take care that the
TV set can be easily inclined or rotated on the respective mounting
For mounting options from other manufacturers with motor drive,
make sure that the TV set cannot be rotated manually. The use of
mounting options from other manufacturers with locks in certain
positions is generally discouraged.
When rotating the TV set it is essential to en-
sure that the pressure exerted on the device
frame is not too large. Especially in case of
large-format displays there is a risk to damage
the screen.
Before setting up the device, please check that the final location is
suitable to bear the load of the device in terms of surface (sensitivity
to pressure) and stability (statics).
This is particularly the case for the high-gloss painted surfaces and
surfaces that are made from real wood / real wood veneer or plastic
10 cm
10 cm
10 cm
For your safety
In case of TV set type bild 1.55.
In case of TV set type bild 1.65/40/32.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Loewe Bild 1.55

Loewe Bild 1.55 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 224 pagina's

Loewe Bild 1.55 Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 14 pagina's

Loewe Bild 1.55 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 225 pagina's

Loewe Bild 1.55 Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 14 pagina's

Loewe Bild 1.55 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 227 pagina's

Loewe Bild 1.55 Snelstart handleiding - Français - 14 pagina's

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