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Loewe bild 1
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Technical data
Technical data
Changes of technical data and design of the equipment reserved.
Loewe device type: bild 1.65 bild 1.55 bild 1.40 bild 1.32
Part number: 56407xxx 56402xxx 56404xxx 56405xxx
EU energy efficiency class: see enclosed energy label or under www.loewe.tv/int/my-loewe
Screen diagonal: 165 cm / 65 inch 140 cm / 55 inch 102 cm / 40 inch 81 cm / 32 inch
Power consumption On-Mode (max.)
(Audio output 1/8 of the maximum value): 239W 200 W 98 W 69 W
Power consumption On-Mode (home)
Annual energy consumption
see enclosed energy label or under www.loewe.tv/int/my-loewe
Power consumption Standby Mode:
Power consumption when set is switched off:
0,38 W
0 W
0,38 W
0 W
0,38 W
0 W
0,40 W
0 W
Resolution: Ultra HD 3840 x 2160 px Full HD 1920 x 1080 px
Display technology / Picture format: LCD with Edge-LED-Backlight / 16:9
Viewing angle (horizontal / vertical): 178° / 17
Device dimensions without stand (W x H x D):
Device dimensions with stand
(W x H x D):
145,1 x 87,0 x 6,4 cm
145,1 x 88,6 x 29,0 cm
123,5 x 74,5 x 4,9 cm
123,5 x 75,4 x 27,0 cm
91,4 x 56,5 x 5,4 cm
91,4 x 57,5 x 25,0 cm
73,4 x 46,3 x 5,4 cm
73,4 x 47,4 x 20,0 cm
Weight without stand (approximate):
Weight with stand
32,4 kg
40,3 kg
23,6 kg
28,5 kg
12,9 kg
16,4 kg
7, 3 k g
10,5 kg
Ambient temperature: 5° C – 35° C
Relative humidity (non-condensing): 20 – 80%
Air pressure: 800 – 1114 hPa (0 – 2000 m above sea level)
Chassis designation: SL410 SL412 SL302 SL302
Power supply: 220 V – 240 V/50–60 Hz
Tuner: terr./cable:
4 levels: 13/18V/22kHz / 16 levels: DiSEqC 1.0 / single-cable system: EN 50494
Range: terr./cable:
Terr./cable: 45 MHz up to 860 MHz
Satellite: 950 MHz up to 2150 MHz
Station storage locations incl. AV and radio: 6000
TV standards: analogue:
B/G, I, L, D/K, M, N
(UHD via DVB to max. 60 Hz)
B/G, I, L, D/K, M, N
Colour standards: SECAM, PAL, NTSC, NTSC-V, PAL-V (60 Hz)
Sound formats: analogue (FM):
analogue (NICAM):
digital (MPEG):
Mono, Stereo, Dual channel
Mono, Stereo, Dual channel
Mono, Stereo, Dual channel, PCM, Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby Digital Pulse, Dolby MS11
Audio output power (sine / music): 2 x 10W / 2 x 20W
Acoustic speaker concept: 2-Way bass reflex
Teletext: TOP / FLOF / HiText (Level 2.5)
Page memory: 2000
LAN: Standards supported: 10 Mbit/sec Ethernet (10Base-T) / 100 Mbit/sec Fast Ethernet (100Base-T)
WLAN: Standards supported:
Frequency range used:
Types of encoding that are supported:
IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n, 802.11ac
2400-2483,5 MHz and 5150-5725 MHz
WEP 64 and 128 Bit (ASCII and HEX), WPA PSK, WPA2 AES
Home networking standard: Universal Plug and Play Audio / Video (UPnP AV)
File formats supported
: Pictures:
MP3, M4A (AAC LC), WMA (without lossless), FLAC, WAV (PCM), Ogg Vorbis
AVI (MPEG-1/2, XviD, Dolby Digital, MP3), WMV (WMV9, VC-1, WMA9, WMA Pro),
MP4 (XviD, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, AAC LC), MOV (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, AAC LC),
MKV (H.265/HEVC, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, Dolby Digital), FLV (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, H.263,
MPG (MPEG-1, MPEG Audio), TS/PS (MPEG-2, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, MPEG2
Dolby Digital
, VOB (MPEG-2, MPEG2 Audio, Dolby Digital)
H.264/MPEG-4 AVC upto Profil High (Level 4.2)
The energy consumption per year is calculated on the basis of a daily four-hour operation of the TV set on 365 days. The actual energy consumption will depend on the way the TV
set is used. On-Mode (home) values less than 100 W must have decimal places (,0).
Supplied mounting option: Table Stand bild 1.
For the playability of the individual formats no guarantee can be given.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Loewe Bild 1.55

Loewe Bild 1.55 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 224 pagina's

Loewe Bild 1.55 Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 14 pagina's

Loewe Bild 1.55 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 225 pagina's

Loewe Bild 1.55 Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 14 pagina's

Loewe Bild 1.55 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 227 pagina's

Loewe Bild 1.55 Snelstart handleiding - Français - 14 pagina's

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