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Loewe bild 1
Short-form instructions
Integrated features
VESA standard
Integrated features
Here you can obtain information on the integrated features of the
TV set.
See the rating plate on the rear of the set for the precise product
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Via the support portal of the Loewe homepage you can download a
user manual when available.
The user manual is updated at irregular intervals.
Visit our homepage under:
Please select your TV set in the product selection part of the user
manuals section. You can then download the corresponding user
manual in the form of a PDF file.
Conformity / Manufacturers declaration
Loewe Technologies hereby declares that this
product meets the essential requirements and
other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC
and all applicable EU directives.
It may be operated in all countries in the EU and also in Iceland,
Norway and Switzerland. In France and Italy it may only be used
You can find the complete declaration of conformity in the product
selection at:
Manufacturer LOEWE
Serial number 834
Article number 54459W80
Chassis SL310
Digital Recorder (DR+)
Channel 1 A/T/T2/C/S/S2
Channel 2 T/T2/C/S/S2
Wi-Fi module
Integrated features
Here you can obtain information on the integrated features of your TV set.
Move content up and down with the cursor
Hardware Software Upgrade
VESA standard
Instructions on using third-party mounting options according
to the VESA standard
Loewe flat screen TV sets are specified for Loewe accessories. When
using third-party mounting options according to the VESA standard,
the manufacturer‘s instructions on the mounting options must be
Loewe accepts no liability for the use of mounting options from other
On the rear wall of the TV set, there are four points of screw connections
to receive the VESA adapter bolts.
Mounting a Loewe flat screen TV set to a holder according to the VESA
standard necessarily requires the use of Loewe VESA adaptor bolts.
Otherwise, the TV set may be damaged.
The existing screws in the four screwing points must be removed.
In case of device type bild 1.55, the washers under the screws must
be definitely reused for the Loewe VESA adapter bolts.
Screw the Loewe VESA adapter bolts (in case of bild 1.55, with
washers) with a torque of approx. 4 Nm into the screwing points of
the TV rear panel (see Fig. 1).
The Loewe VESA adaptor bolts are used to ensure stability and the
necessary minimum distance of 5 mm between rear wall of the TV
set and VESA holder (see Fig. 2). The VESA holder must not rest on
the rear panel.
When mounting the TV set, always check that all four Loewe VESA
adaptor bolts are used. For each mounting point, only one VESA
adapter bolt may be used. It is inadmissible to screw several VESA
adapter bolts or extend individual adapter bolts.
Measure the hole distance between the screwing points of your TV
set. A hole distance of 400 x 400 mm on the rear of the TV set means
VESA 400 standard.
Thus, a suitable mount bracket must also correspond to the VESA 400
standard. If the VESA standard of your TV set fits the standard of the
desired bracket, the bracket has also to be approved for the weight
and size of the TV set (for weight and TV set size refer to chapter
Technical Data).
Loewe is not responsible for the permissible load-carrying capacity
and the professional fixing of the holder.
Please observe additionally and definitely the points described in the
chapter on safety instructions.
If you use a Vesa mounting options from other manufacturers, you
can order the Vesa adapter bolts M6x32 (No. 90473.988) at your
authorized dealer of Loewe.
The screen graphic displayed is only an example. Depending on the device type, the available hardware/software components may be different.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Loewe Bild 1.55

Loewe Bild 1.55 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 224 pagina's

Loewe Bild 1.55 Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 14 pagina's

Loewe Bild 1.55 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 225 pagina's

Loewe Bild 1.55 Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 14 pagina's

Loewe Bild 1.55 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 227 pagina's

Loewe Bild 1.55 Snelstart handleiding - Français - 14 pagina's

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