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Split Wall-Mounted Air Conditioner
Methods of maintenance
Set the temperature at 30
or 86˚F
and operate
in the fan status for about half a day.
Stop the operation of the machine and turn off
the power switch.
The air conditioner will consume about 5W of electric
power after the machine is turned off. For the purpose
of energy saving and safety, it is advisable to pull the
plug out during the non-operational seasons.
Clean and install the air filter screen.
Clean the indoor and outdoor units.
Take the batteries out from the remote controller.
Check if there are any blocking materials
in the intake and outlet vents of the indoor
and outdoor units.
Check if the installation stand is corroded
or rusty.
Check if the air filter is clean.
Connect to the power source.
Put batteries in the remote controller.
To make the interior of the units dry
After the season of operation
Check if the
machine is
The cleaning of the air filter screen (Standard intervals should be once every two weeks).
During the season of operation
If the air filter screen is blocked by dust or dirt, the
performance of cooling and heating will be affected, with
the operation noise and power consumption increased.
Therefore, the air filter screen should be cleaned regularly.
Before the season of operation
The air conditioner must be turned off and plug pulled out before the maintenance is
to be carried out.
Remove the air filter screen from the unit.
Gently press the tow lower ends of
the grid and open it.
Gently pull up the air filter screen and
take it out in the direction of your body.
Clean the air filter screen.
if the screen is very dirty, please use lukewarm water (about
or 86˚F
) to clean it. Air it dry after the cleaning.
Do not use boiling water to clean the screen.
Do not bake the screen dry over a fire.
Do not exert too much force in pulling and stretching the screen.
Install the air filter screen.
To operate the air conditioner without the air filter screen on will cause the interior of the
machine dirty which might lead to poor performances or damages to the units.
Clean the air conditioner
Use a soft and dry cloth to rub the air conditioner,
or use a vacuum cleaner to clean it.
If the air conditioner is very dirty, use a piece of
cloth and soak it with neutral home-use detergent
to do the cleaning.

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Lloyd LS13A2N Installatiehandleiding - English - 16 pagina's

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