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Split Wall-Mounted Air Conditioner
When the signal from the remote controller becomes weak and the
indoor unit can not receive it properly;or the indications on the display
screen becomes blurred,please slide the back cover and replace with
two new batteries.
The positive and negative poles must match the installation positions.
New batteries of the same type have to be used for replacement.
If the remote controller is not to be used for long time,take out the
batteries so as to prevent the leakage of the electrolyte from damaging
the controller.
If when the remote controller is at abnormal state,you can take out
the batteries on the back cover to clear off the display.
Use this mode to reduce operation sound when sleeping,etc.
Press the SLEEP button,the air flow sound from the indoor unit is decreased.
Press the SLEEP button again can release the mode.
Use the sleep mode when you are going to bed.If this mode is used in the day,the capacity is reduced since the
ambient temperature is too high.(COOL MODE).
During the operation of cooling,the room temperature will be raised gradually by 2
F) higher than the setting
after the machine begins to operate in the sleeping mode.
During the operation of heating mode,the room temperature will be dropped gradually 5
C (9
F)lower than the
setting after the machine begins to operate in the sleeping mode.
Features of Heating Operations
The machines absorb heat from the outdoor air and transfer it indoors so as to heat the room air. The heating
capabilities through this principle of heat pump go up/down with the increase/decrease of the temperatures of the
outdoor air.
It only needs a fairly short time for such hot air circulation system to raise the room temperature.
When the outdoor air temperature is very low, the system can be used together with other heating devices. But
good ventilation should be maintained to ensure safety and prevent accidents.
Basic principles and performances
When the outdoor air temperature is very low and humidity is very high, frosting will occur to the heat exchanger of
the outdoor unit, which has negative impacts upon the efficiency of the heating performance. In such case, the
automatic defrosting function will come into play. The heating operation will be stopped for 5-10 minutes to do the
The fans of both the outdoor and indoor units are stopped.
During the defrosting, the outdoor unit might generate some steam. It is caused by fast defrosting, which is
not a performance failure.
Upon the completion of the defrosting process, the heating operation is resumed.
Remote Controller 1
Remote Controller 2
Releasing procedure
When the indication on display screen is 24 hour,press the TIMER button again to delete the timed mode.
RST button
Unload the back Cover
This button let computer reset.
CLK button
It does not work on this model.
(push the RST button with the tip of a
ball pen,etc)

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Lloyd LS13A2N Installatiehandleiding - English - 16 pagina's

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