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We hope you will know the
following when using the unit
Split Wall-Mounted Air Conditioner
The unit will not stop blowing out the air immediately after shut
down at COOL operation(some model).
Because the unit is doing mould proofing operation and indoor
fan motor runs at low speed .The louver will not close down until
after 30 seconds.
If the unit is operated for a long period of time with the high
humidity , moisture may form on the air outlet grilles and drip
down .
The unit can not be restarted just after shut down .
( RUN lamp is illuminating )
Not operate
Please wait for
3 minutes .
Three-minute protection timer incorporated in the microcomputer actuates
automatically . Except that power is connected , this function does not
actuate .
Air is not blown out at starting of heating operation.
Air blow is stopped to prevent blowing out of cold air
until the indoor heat exchanger is warmed .( 2 to 5 min )
Air is not blown out for 6 to 12 min , at heating operation .
When outdoor temperature is low and humidity is high , the unit
sometimes performs defrosting automatically . Please wait . During
defrosting , water or steam are raising from the outdoor unit .
Air is not blown out at DRY operation .
Indoor fan is sometimes stopped to prevent vapor of dehumidified
moisture and save energy .
Mist is blown out at COOL operation .
This phenomenon sometimes occurs when the temperature and
humidity of the room are very high , but it will disappear with the
lowering of the temperature and humidity .
Odor is sent out .
Air blown out during operation may smell . This is the smell
of tobacco or cosmetics sticked to the unit .
Noise is heard cracking sound .
This is caused by the refrigerant that is circulating inside the unit.
Operation can not be restarted even if the power is recovered.
Noise is heard cracking sound .After a power stoppage or after
disconnecting the power supply plug.
The memory circuit of the microcomputer is cleared. Operate
the remote controller again to restart the operation .
Remote control signals are not received .
Remote control signals may not be received when signal receiver
on the air conditioner body is exposed to direct sunlight or strong
lighting . In that case , interrupt the sunlight or darken the lighting.
Moisture may form on the air outlet grilles .
Restart is stopped for 3 minutes after shut down to protect
the unit .
This is caused by heat expansion or contraction of plastics.

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Lloyd LS13A2N Installatiehandleiding - English - 16 pagina's

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