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This product is only for home. Do not the product for industrial or military use.
Do not handle the equipment with wet hand, which may cause electric shock.
Do not place wet or metallic materials on equipment. Water leakage or intrusion of metallic materials may cause fire and
electric shock.
Do not block the ventilating opening of equipment or put alien substances into it, which may cause fire and electric shock.
Do not use battery that is not designated or mix new battery with old ones. Insert batteries to fit their polarity. Explosion or
leakage of battery may cause fire and injury of user.
When visitor's image or voice is not displayed on screen or not sounded from speaker, please check his/her identity before
opening the door and contact our A/S center.
Do not use equipment when lighting is expected or strokes. It may cause fire and electric shock.
Do not open rear cover, cabinet and cover of equipment. It may cause electric shock.
Do not modify power cable or pull it with excessive strength, which may cause fire and electric shock.
Do not modify equipment. It may cause fire and electric shock.
Call signal may cause damage on user's hearing ability.
Cautions for Abnormality
When power cable is broken (exposure of core or short-circuit), do not fail to replace broken cable with new one. Failure to
replace broken power cable may cause fire and electric shock.
When detecting any abnormalities in equipment (communication is not available, images do not be displayed on screen, calling
is not available, or abnormal sound is heard), immediately detach plug from an outlet, or turn off circuit breaker or detach
batteries from equipment (in case that equipment has no plug) before requesting repairs to sales agent or A/S center. Keeping
connection to power supply may cause fire and electric shock.
When alien substances go into equipment, immediately detach plug from an outlet, or turn off circuit breaker or detach batteries
from equipment (in case that equipment has no plug) before requesting repair to sales agent or A/S center.
In the case of smoke or smell of unknown origin from equipment, keeping use it may cause fire and electric shock. Detach
plug from an outlet, or turn off circuit breaker or detach batteries from equipment (in case that equipment has no plug) and be
sure to check no more smoke or smell from equipment before requesting repair to sales agent or A/S center. Since personal
repairing work by user may serious accidents. In any case, do not repair equipment with your own hand.
When dropping equipment or breaking its cabinet, detach plug from an outlet, or turn off circuit breaker or detach batteries
from equipment (in case that equipment has no plug) before requesting repair to sales agent or A/S center. Keeping use
equipment may cause fire and electric shock.
Avoid direct exposure to sunlight and store equipment at the place free from dust and high temperature as you can. High
temperature of equipment may cause fire and electric shock.
Cautions for Use
Do not install the product at bathroom or at the place near a washing machine, or at other humid places. It may cause fire or
electric shock.
Do not install the product at the place near a dresser, humidifier or heater. Also avoid the place exposed to spark, heat or
humidity. All of them may cause fire and electric shock.
Do not install the product at the place exposed to dust, metals and harmful gas such as hydrogen sulfide gas, all of which
may cause fire and electric shock.
Do not install the product at the place exposed to water and chemicals. This may cause fire and electric shock.
Do not scratch, break or arbitrarily process power cable, which may cause fire and electric shock. Putting a heavy thing on a
cable, heating it or pulling it may cause impairment on it.
Do not place power cable at the place near heating equipment. It may cause damage of cable's clothing material, which
result in fire ad electric shock. When detaching plug from an outlet, do not pull power cable.
Damages on power cable may cause fire and electric shock. When detaching plug from an outlet, please hold the plug
Do not detach plug from an outlet with wet hand. I may cause electric shock.
When using the existing wiring, be sure of the suitability of it to the product and install the product. Failure to this caution
may cause fire.
When moving equipment, be sure that plug is detached from an outlet and communication cable is disconnected. Damage
on cables may cause fire.
Voltage other than prescribed rated voltage is not permitted, which cause fire and electric shock.
Do not use power terminal of product's main body in other equipment than prescribed ones. It may cause fire and short-
In wiring work, use the designated wiring materials.
Wiring work using other materials than designated ones may cause fire.
The equipment without waterproof marking shall not be installed at the place water leaks. It may cause electric shock and
short circuit.
When working, be sure that power is disconnected. Failure to disconnect power may cause electric shock.
Be sure that the power cable is connected and earths according to designated method. Failure to connection and earth may
cause fire.
Do not connect power to other terminals than designated ones.
It may cause fire and electric shock.
When building a system with the product, do not connect the product other equipment than designated one. It may cause
When installing A/C switch, do work after removing the substance that may cause short circuit or electric shock.
Before installing or providing A/S service, be sure that the power is disconnected.
Cautions for Use

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