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Home Auto: KHV-444/454/446/456
- Do not insert any metallic materials into the inside of fuse cover. It may cause electric shock.
- Do not close ear to speaker. Abrupt call or signal may give harmful effects on user's hearing.
- After turning power on and off, check again that input contents are saved correctly. Otherwise, data may be missed when auto-signal mode operates.
- Use a standard detector. Non-standardized detectors are likely to cause fire due to excessive voltage or current.
- Please install motion detector at a place easily detect the motions of subjects. When detector is installed at a wrong place or obstacles block the front
side of detector, it cannot work well.
- When setting night guard mode, be sure that detector should be connected well.
- Sufficiently charge the battery of wireless handset before using it. Be careful that children should not throw battery. Be sure to close battery cover
(When children throw or disassemble battery, it may cause serious accidents).
- Be careful that the polarity of the product matches to that of guardroom communication cable. When polarity is reversed, it may cause abnormal
operations of the product or apartment system as a whole.
4-Line Related Products: KVM-930, 931, 960, IP-203APB, AM-10KP, KCV-344/354
- In wiring work, be careful that wirings should keep away from the wall-mounting pegs or other furniture at regular interval. Contact of wiring with
wall-mounting pegs, etc. may cause short-circuit, electric shock and fire (it is applied to all products with wall-mounting pegs).
- Use the prescribed standard wirings. Non-standardized wirings may give adverse effects on operation of product
(it is applied to both video phone and CCTV).
CCTV Camera
- Do not install at noisy places.
- Do not install at the place exposed to electromagnetic waves.
Excessive electromagnetic waves may cause continuous noise on screen and mechanical troubles.
- When installing camera outdoor, please put it in the outdoor case. Otherwise, when it rains, the camera may be broken or operate incorrectly.
- Install the product at well-ventilated places.
- Do not use the product for medical or military uses.
- Do not install the product at humid places. It may cause reduction of the product's durability as well as fire and electric shock.
- When lens is stained with alien substances, clean it with soft cloth to prevent the damages on it.
- Install the product out of reach of children.
System for Multi-unit Housing
- In installation, be careful that other wiring or metallic substances should not contact to the system for multi-unit housing.
- In installation, be careful that alien substances should not go into the system.
- Before installation, be fully aware of wiring specifications of each model.
- In installation, be sure that the length and dimension of wiring meet the requirement prescribed in installation manual.
- Excessive strength and external shock may cause mechanical breakdowns of equipment.
- Do not arbitrarily open the case of the product
(When user opens the case arbitrarily, KOCOM may reject to provide A/S service).
Lobby Phone: KLP-(100, 104, 108, 112), KLP-(P100, P104, P108, P112), KDP-(100, 104, 108,112)
- A stroke of lighting or strong shock may give fatal and adverse effects on system. Thus, do not fail to ground the system.
- For registration of household password, please refer to user manual of the concerned product (it is applied to ten-key lobby phone products
[KLP-100, KLP-P100 and KDP-100]).
Image Splitter: KSV-104P
- An image splitter can support up to four households.
- In the case of over four householders, additional image splitters are needed.
Image Amplifier: KHU-102P
- In installation, follow the specification for image in/output.
Video Phone
- In assembling the product, be careful that wall-mounting pegs should not contact with wirings.
- In connection of cables, strip its insulation off as much as necessary (Excessive stripping off its insulation may cause short circuit).
- Be careful that signal cables should not be wired with A/C wiring (it may cause poor display quality).
- Do not drop handset (its damage or short-circuit due to drop may make communication impossible).
- When connecting wires to terminals, use standard screwdriver (otherwise, screws may loosen, which will result in disconnection of wiring).
- Do not clean CRT screen with wet towel or cloth. When water penetrates into the product, it may cause short-circuit.
Do not fail to clean it with dry towel or soft cloth.
- Do not install camera at the place where water penetrates or leaks. Penetration or leakage of water may cause electric shock or short circuit.
Safety Instructions, Warnings, and Cautions of Each System
- This equipment is electronically precision equipment, so do not arbitrarily disassemble it.
- In installation of the product, do not fail to follow the specifications (specifications offered by KOCOM).
- Do not touch the product with alien materials (for example, sticker, magnet, opener, metal chopstick, etc.)
or insert them into the product (it may cause reduction of the product's durability and harmful results to user as well).
- In the rainy season, water is likely to penetrate into the product along the wiring. Thus, U-type finishing is recommended
as a desirable method of end part finishing.

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