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Do not throw used-up battery into fire places, which may cause fire and explosion.
Cautions for installation
The relevant law obliges users to have a qualified electrician carry out wiring work for power supply. Work by disqualified
persons may cause fire and electric shock.
Wiring work for communication cables needs techniques and experiences. For this type of wiring work, please consult to your
local sales agent.
According to the standard for electric work and other relevant regulations, install communication cables at the place away
from power cables. The failure to install cables separately may cause fire, electric shock and communication troubles.
Do not install the product on rolling table or sloping place.
Dropping or falling may cause damage on your product.
In installation, avoid the place exposed to tremor or shocks, which may cause damages on your product.
Even if your product is waterproof, do not install it slanted place of water leakage, which may cause a short circuit.
For the product of wall-mounting type with fixing pegs, keep it safely.
Fixing pegs may cause injury of user.
Install the product of wall-mounting type carefully not to drop from the wall. Dropping due to earthquake or tremors may
cause injury of user.
When installing the product on the wall, consider the thickness and material of the wall.
Dropping in use may cause injury of user.
Cautions for Use
Do not put heavy thing on the product. Dropping or falling due to heavy things on it may cause injury of user.
Cautions for Repairs and Maintenance
Clean the dust inside the product regularly. Failure to clean the dust for long time may cause fire. For inspection and cleaning
of the inside of product, please contact your local sales agent.
When putting your hands into the inside of equipment, be sure that plug is already detached form an outlet or circuit-breaker is
turned off.
Be careful not to expose the product to benzene, thinner or hot water.
Do not expose detergent directly to the product in a way of spaying, etc.
Moving equipment, be sure that the plug is detached from an outlet.
For equipment whose cables are connected to terminals, please contact your local sales agent or qualified electrician.
When replacing old fuse with new one, do not directly touch it with bare hands.
Use insulated tools or contact A/S center.
Warnings for disposal
Read this cautions carefully and keep it within easy reach of you.
For right installation, read this cautions thoroughly. Please install the product according to its specifications.
This Cautions for Safety may include items that are not contained in specifications of the product that consumer
Reading this cautions, use the product in a right manner. For further information, please contact our A/S center.
About Symbol
A variety of symbols are used in this Cautions for Safety and your products to guide you to use products in a right
and safe manner and to prevent possible risks for users and other persons and damages to their property. The meaning
of each symbol is as follows. After fully aware of meaning of each symbol, read the following cautions.
This symbol means that wrong handling or ignorance of matters that this symbol indicates
may cause serious injury or even death of user.
This symbol means that wrong handling or ignorance of matters that this symbol indicates
may cause serious injury or property damage of user.
This symbol means the matter that user should not do at nay event.
This symbol means that user should follow the instructions.
Symbols on Drawing
This symbol means that contents (high voltage, electric shock, warnings, etc.) to which user
should pay attention are included.
This symbols means that a certain action is not permitted. Specific points not permitted are
depicted around this symbol (for example, in the left drawing, disassembly is not permitted.).
This symbol means instructions or is used to force user to do a certain action. Specific
instructions are depicted on the drawing
(for example, the left drawing instructs user to detach power plug from an outlet).
Cautions for Safety
For safe use, please stick to the following cautions.

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