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Warning: If the drill stalls, release the trigger immediately, remove the drill from the work and determine the
cause of the stalling. Do not click the switch on and off as this can damage the motor.
To minimize the chance of stalling and breaking through the material, reduce the pressure on the drill and
ease the bit through the last part of the hole.
• Keep the motor running when pulling the bit back out of a drilled hole. This will help prevent jamming.
Metal drilling
• For maximum performance, use high speed steel bits for metal or steel drilling.
• Push drilling mode selector to drilling mode
• Use a center punch to mark the hole location on the work-piece.
• Begin drilling at a very low speed to prevent the bit from slipping o the starting point.
Maintain a speed and pressure which allows cutting without overheating the bit. Applying too much
pressure will: overheat the drill; wear the bearing, bend or burn bits, produce off-center or irregular shaped
When drilling large holes in metal it is recommended to drill with a small bit at rst, then nish with a larger
bit, also, lubricate the bit with oil to improve drilling action and increase bit life.
Wood drilling
• For maximum performance, use high speed steel bits for wood drilling.
• Push the drilling mode selector to drilling mode
• Secure the work-piece to prevent it from turning when drilling.
Begin drilling at a very low speed to prevent the bit from slipping o the starting point. Increase the speed
as the drill bit bites into the material.
When drilling through holes, place a block of wood behind the work-piece to prevent ragged or splintered
edges on the back side of the hole.
• Do not lock the trigger in the on position when the drill may need to be stopped suddenly.
Masonry drilling
For maximum performance use tungsten carbide-tipped masonry impact bits when drilling holes in brick,
tile, concrete, etc.
• Push the drilling mode selector to impact mode
• Apply light pressure and medium speed for best results in brick.
• Apply additional pressure and high speed for hard materials such as concrete.
When drilling in tile, practice on a scrap piece to determine the best speed and pressure.
Always be sure that the tool is switched off and unplugged before attempting to perform inspection or
Inspecting the mounting screws regularly inspect all mounting screws and ensure that they are properly
Regularly clean the tool’s air vents with compressed dry air. Do not attempt to clean by inserting pointed
objects through openings.
CAUTION! Certain cleaning agents and solvents damage plastic parts. Some of these are: gasoline, carbon
tetrachloride, chlorinated cleaning solvents, ammonia and household detergents that contain ammonia.
The brushes should be checked periodically and worn-out brushes should be replaced in time.
If any of the following events occur during normal operation, the power supply should be shut off at once
and tool thoroughly inspected by a qualified person and repaired if necessary:
The rotating parts get stuck or speed drops abnormally low.
The tool shakes abnormal accompanied by some unusual noise
The motor housing gets abnormal hot.
• Heavy sparks occur around the motor area.
71777 76067 manual.indd 7 31-12-10 15:53

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