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DT istr (1066)_01/2018_Rev.1_07/18 5/24
21. WARNING: heating a surface may cause heat to be conducted to adjoining surface that may be combustible
or become pressurized when heated. Always check to make sure no unintended parts or materials are being
22. Do not attempt to turn on the appliance with any sources of ignition (eg lighters, matches, open flames, etc.).
In case of prolonged failure, contact a service centre.
To avoid a dangerous flame elongation during the preheating phase, the appliance must be used with
an inclination not higher than 15 ° for the first 60 seconds.
After 60 seconds, the appliance is preheated and it can be used with any inclination without producing
flare (360°).
1. Check that the control/Ignition knob (2) is completely closed.
2. Check the presence and good condition of the seal inside the
valve’s threaded area and screw the appliance completely on the
3. Attention: keep the gas cartridge upright when fitting it to the heat
gun and place the valve on top of the cartridge’s valve.
WARNING: screw on hand tight only. Do not over tighten or you will
damage the heat gun seals and the cartridge seals.
Always point the burner away from your body and any flammable or
combustible objects.
4. Slightly turn the control/Ignition knob (2) counterclockwise «+».
Press and release the control/ignition knob to ignite the heat gun.
You should hear a loud "WOOSH" sound, which indicates that the
heat gun is ignited and hot.
Depending on conditions, it may take up some pushes of
control/ignition knob to ignite.
1. Increase the power of the apparatus by turning the control/ignition knob (2) to the sign «+» (counter
2. To decrease the power, turn the control/ignition
knob (2) to the sign «-» (clockwise).
3. After work, turn the control/ignition knob (2) to the
sign «-» (clockwise) until the shutdown.
4. After use, make sure that the control/ignition knob is
completely closed (turn it fully clockwise) and
unscrew the appliance from the gas cartridge.
WARNING: when the appliance is not in use, always
disconnect the cartridge.
The heat gun has a built in hand protector/vertical
stand (3) that allows for use the appliance with the
nozzle-up position (fig. 2).
1. The cartridge must be replaced in a ventilated area, preferably outside, away from open flames,
pilot flames and away from other people.
2. Make sure the burner is off and cold and the valve is closed. Unscrew the unit from the empty
cartridge, check the presence and condition of the seal between the device and the cartridge,
screw the unit on the new cartridge.
3. The cartridge must not be left in the environment but in a safe place. Do not pierce the cartridge.
Do not throw the empty cartridge into fire.
1. To clean the body of your device, use a cotton ball soaked in warm water and soap. Never use
abrasive products.
2. To clean the burner, use a soft brush.
When not using the appliance, after disconnecting the gas cartridge, must be stored in its original
packaging and in a dry, well-ventilated place away from children.
For any support on this product, kindly contact our customer assistance departments in Parma (Italy) –
Via Prampolini, 1/Q, 43044 Lemignano di Collecchio Tel. +39 0521/957111 Fax +39 0521/957195 -
www.kempergroup.it - info@kempergroup.it

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