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DT istr (1066)_01/2018_Rev.1_07/18 4/24
Thank you for purchasing one of our products. We recommend you carefully read this instruction manual: it
contains important information regarding safety regulations for use and maintenance of the appliance. It is also
recommended to keep this document carefully to consult in case of necessity.
Hot air gun ART. 1066: (Thread connection EN417 7/16”)
Piezo Ignition
Adjustable flame through pressure regulator
Max exit air temperature: 450°
Ergonomic Design
Security system against accidental lighting
Antiflare system
1. Gas cartridge connection
2. Control/Ignition knob
3. Protector/vertical stand
4. Fixing ring for heat sink cage
5. Heat sink cage
Heat shrink tubing
Heat shrinkable materials
Shrink wrap
Bending plastics and composite materials
Applying decorative films
Heat removal of various substance
Automotive dent repair
Thraw frozen pipes
Spot ice melding
Leather and vinyl repair
Starting BBQ charcoal
1. Read these instructions carefully in order to familiarize yourself with the appliance before connecting it to
its gas container. Keep these instructions for future reference.
2. Carefully read the information stamped on the cartridge before you connect the unit to it.
3. Do not expose the device connected to the cartridge to temperatures above 50 °
4. This device works only with direct pressure butane/propane threaded gas cartridge KEMPER series 581, series
580 and series 575. It can be dangerous to try to use other gas cartridges.
5. Make sure the valve is closed before handling the equipment.
6. Always check that the seal, between the device and the cartridge, is in place and in good condition before
connecting it to the gas container.
7. Never use appliances with worn or damaged seals.
8. This device should only be used in sufficiently ventilated area in accordance with national requirement. The
volume of air needed for proper combustion and prevent formation of dangerous unburned gas mixtures is 2
m3 / h per kW.
9. Warning: accessible parts can become very hot. Keep out of reach of children and away from other appliances
and sources of heat.
10. The appliance should be operated away from flammable materials and at a distance of 70 cm from furniture,
walls and ceiling.
11. Although the internal nozzle flame cannot exceed the length of the nozzle, be extra careful when using the
heat outdoors on sunny or windy days. Wind may carry the heat back towards you or other areas not intended
to be heated.
12. If there is a leak on your appliance (smell of gas) take it outside immediately into a well ventilated flam free
location, where the leak may be detected and stopped. If you need to check for leaks on your appliance, do
it outside. Do not try to detect leaks using flames, use our item Revelgas 1726 or soapy water.
Apply solution
of soap and water or gas detector in the interspaces of the unit. If bubbles appear, it means that there is a
leak and it must be repaired before use. If you detect a leak and you cannot repair it, don’t try to fix it
another way, but contact the customer service.
13. Do not use an appliance which is leaking, damaged or which does not operate properly.
14. Do not modify the appliance. It is dangerous to bring modification on device, remove or disassemble its
components or use components which are not approved by the manufacturer, all of this causes the
cancellation of warranty and manufacturer's responsibility.
15. Always make certain the heat gun is placed on a level surface when connected to the fuel cartridge to reduce
the risk of accidentally tip over.
16. During use the cartridge is subject to emptying: be careful not to leave unattended the lit appliance in upright
position, as its stability can not be guaranteed.
17. Be sure the heat gun is not pointed in a direction which could cause nearby object to ignite when the gun is
set down.
18. Never leave the heat gun unattended when lit.
19. Do not use the appliance if not complete all of its components.
20. If necessary, wear safety glasses and protective gloves.

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