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more tiles from his rack to make a new set. Players cannot retrieve a joker before they have laid
their initial set(s). A set containing a joker can have tiles added to it and can be split apart or
have tiles removed from it. The joker has a penalty value of 30 points if it remains on a player's
rack at the end of a game.
The beginning of a round of Rummikub may seem slow, but as the table builds up, more plays
are possible. In the early stages of the game it's a good idea to hold back some tiles so that
other players open up the table and provide more opportunities for play. Sometimes it is useful
to hold back the fourth tile of a group or run and lay only three, so that on the next turn you can
lay a tile instead of drawing from the pouch. Keeping a joker on your rack is also a good strategy;
however, you risk being caught with it (earning a penalty of 30 points) when another player goes
After a player has cleared the rack and called "Rummikub", the losing players add up the value of
the tiles they are holding on their racks. This score is totaled as a minus (negative) amount. The
winner of the round receives a positive (plus) score equal to the total of all the losers' points. At
the end of each round, each player totals his minus and plus scores to produce a total score. The
player with the highest score at the end of the game wins. As an aid to checking the figures, the
plus score should equal the total of the minus scores in each round and in the final tally.
In the rare case that all the tiles in the pouch are used before any players goes "Rummikub", the
player with the lowest count on his rack wins that round. Each loser adds up his total tile value
and subtracts from it with the winner's total. This result is scored as a minus amount. The total of
these is scored to the winner as a plus amount. After scoring the round, place all the tiles back in
the pouch, and begin the next round by following directions under set-up.
The player with the highest score at the end of the game wins.
We appreciate your comments on this game. Please address your correspondence to:
Pressman Toy Corporation
Dept: Rummikub
121 New England Ave
Piscataway, NJ 08854
Our Consumer Service number is 1(800) 800
0298. Calls are accepted Monday through Friday from 10:00
AM until 4:00 PM EST
©E. Hertzano, Israel ©2009 Pressman Toy Corporation, New York, NY 10011. 0400-0710
(Rummy-Cube) For 2 to 4 players, Ages 8 to adult
Be the first player to eliminate all the tiles from your rack by forming them into sets of runs and
groups. Try to keep as few points in your rack as possible. At the start of the game, you decide
how many points to reach to end the game.
106 tiles (2 sets of tiles numbered 1 to 13 in four colors: black, red, blue, orange; 2 Jokers);
4 playing racks, pouch.
Set Up:
Place the tiles into the pouch and mix them thoroughly. Each player picks a tile; the one who
selects the highest number goes first and play proceeds in a clockwise direction. Return the
tiles to the pouch and mix them. Each player takes 14 tiles and places them on his rack.
There are two kinds of sets:
A group is a set of either three or four tiles of the
same number in different colors.
A run is a set of three or more consecutive numbers,
all in the same color. The number 1 is always played
as the lowest number; it cannot follow the number 13.
In order to place tiles on the table, each player must make an initial play of at least 30 points in
one or more sets.
These points must come from the tiles on the player's rack and not from tiles already played on
the table. A tile is worth its face value. A Joker may be used for any tile and its point value is
that of the tile it represents. The penalty for holding a Joker if another player wins the round is
30 points. If a player cannot enter the round, or purposely chooses not to, the player must take
a tile from the pouch and the turn ends.
After players have made their initial plays, they can also build on other sets on the table with
tiles from their racks. If a player cannot add onto the other sets, the player picks a tile from the
pouch and the turn ends.
player cannot lay down a tile he has just picked; he must wait until
his next turn. Play continues until one player empties his rack and calls, "Rummikub
ends the round and players tally their points (see
Scoring). When the pouch is empty, play
continues until no more plays can be made; that ends the round.
7 7
3 42 5
Player A Player B Player C Player D
Round 1 +24 -5 -16 -3
Round 2 -6 -11 +22 -5
Round 3 -32 -13 -2 +47
Total -14 -29 +4 +39
Visit the official Rummikub® site:
for fun, facts, tips and more!
Visit our W
eb Site at: www
The Fast Moving Rummy Tile Game!
Rummikub Instructions 4/14/09 2:50 PM Page 1

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Jumbo Rummikub Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 1 pagina's

Jumbo Rummikub Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

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