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You may change all settings in your DECT phone back to the
factory default setting. The only way to reset the handset or
the base is to go into the menu and choose ”Handset Reset” or
”Base Reset”. Please refer to the above section I.4. Resetting
your phone. All programming and settings you have made to the
phone will be lost automatically. It could be useful if you have
programmed too many things at the same time, making conflicts
between your settings and affecting normal operation. The
following memory banks will remain unchanged after resetting
to factory default:
- Caller ID memory
- Last Number Redial List
- Base unit and handsets registration
- Phone book
To change all settings back to factory default, go to section I.4.
Resetting your phone.
Do not expose this product to dust, strong sunlight,
humidity, high temperature, or mechanical shock.
Do not use corrosive or abrasive cleansers on this product.
Keep the unit dust free by wiping it with a soft, dry cloth.
Do not disassemble this product, it contains no user-
serviceable parts.
In case of a thunderstorm, it is advised to disconnect the
power adapter, as the product warranty does not cover
damage caused by lightning/surge.
Use only the adapter included with this package.
– for both the base and the optional handset
Q1. My phone does not work!
A1. Make sure that you have NOT locked the keypad of your
handset. When the keypad lock is turned on, a symbol
will show on the screen. To remove the keypad lock, push
and hold on your handset for approximately two
seconds and release the button.
A1. Make sure that all connections of the adapter and the line
cord are connected securely to the jacks.
A1. Make sure that you have inserted the battery pack into
the handset battery compartment, and that it is charged
and inserted with the correct polarity.
A1. If you have connected more than one phone to the same
telephone line, make sure that all other telephones
connected are put on hook. In some telephone systems,
when the first phone on the same telephone line is used,
all other telephones are electrically disconnected.
A1. Try to connect another telephone to the telephone
socket, if the problem persists and it appears that there is
a problem with your telephone line system, consult your
network provider.
A1. If the person on the other end of the conversation does
not hear your voice, make sure you have not activated the
MUTE function. To test, activate the MUTE function once
more and your phone should resume to normal operation.
A1. Check if the receiving symbol bar
on the screen is
flashing. If it is at a weak level, it indicates your handset
is too far away from the base unit and the radio signal is
too weak. You should get nearer to the base unit and try
A1. If you fail to dial a number, check if that number is barred
(Refer to D.9. Call Barring).
A1. Occasionally, if the handset is without normal battery
charging for a prolonged period of time, it may lock itself
when the battery level becomes too low. Try to disconnect
the battery and put it back on again and put the handset
on the charger for six hours to resume.
A1. If a wrong number is dialled, please check that a Prefix
number is not configured by mistake. For checking,
please go to the menu, select ”Setting Base”, then select
”Additional” and select ”Prefix Dial”. Clear or edit the
saved prefix number.
Q2. My phone does not ring!
A2. Check if the ringing volume is set to ”Off” (Refer to H.1.
Setting Ringer Volume & Ringer Type
). Your phone will
not ring if the ringing volume is set to ”Off”. Change the
ringing volume to higher setting ranges.
A2. Make sure that your handset is not switched off.
A2. Make sure that the connection of the line cord is
connected securely to the jacks.
A2. Check the country setting. Please select ”Setting Base”
and press ”Country”, then select your country from the
Q3. The phone book memories do not work as expected!
A3. Make sure that you do not enter a telephone number
longer than the limits mentioned in the phone book
A3. If your phone is connected behind a PABX system, consult
your system provider for information of timed pause delay
required to make an external call.

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