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Q4. Caller’s number does not show on my phone!
A4. Make sure your phone line is provided with caller ID
function from the phone service provider. In most
countries, caller ID function must be paid and subscribed
separately from normal phone function. For details, please
consult the phone service provider.
A4. Callers may suppress their caller’s number when making
their phone call. Caller’s number does not necessarily
display when a call is received. For details, please consult
the phone service provider.
A4. If a call is made from abroad, caller’s number cannot be
Q5. My handset does not work after I have registered my
handset to a base unit from different maker!
A5. According to DECT standard (GAP compatible), handsets
can be registered to any DECT system base unit. However,
maker specific functions may not be compatible between
the products. It may happen that only basic function can
be operated if handset and base unit from two makers are
registered together.
A5. Check if the other base unit is GAP compatible according
to DECT standard. Only GAP compatible products can be
compatible to each other.
Important note – Emergency calls
The phone is not designed for making emergency calls when the
main power is failed. But, if there is a power failure, you can dial
an Emergency Call if the optional backup battery is installed.
The unit only works under constant power supply to the base
station or when the backup battery is installed. It is advisable
that another corded phone (works without main power supply)
is connected to your phone system for emergency call purpose in
case of power failure.
When using your telephone equipment, basic safety
precautions should always be followed to reduce the
risk of fire, electric shock and injury to persons:
Do not allow the handset to come into contact with
liquids or moisture.
Avoid using a telephone (other than a cordless type)
during an electrical storm. There may be a remote risk of
electric shock from lightning.
Do not use the telephone to report a gas leak in the
vicinity of the leak.
Use only the power cord and battery(ies) indicated in
this manual. Do not dispose of batteries in a fire. They
may explode. Check with local codes for possible special
disposal instructions.
Do not open or mutilate the battery(ies). Released
electrolyte is corrosive and may cause damage to the eyes
or skin. It may be toxic if swallowed.
Connect the adaptor to a socket-outlet near the
equipment which is easily accessible.
Do not open the handset or the base station. This could
expose you to high voltage.
There is a slight chance that the telephone could be
damaged by an electrical storm. It is recommended that
users unplug the phone from the phone line from the
phone wall socket during a storm.
Young children should be supervised to ensure that they
do not play with the telephone.
Since the phone works by sending radio signals between
the base unit and the cordless handset, wearers of
hearing aids may experience interference in the form of a
humming noise.
We advise that this phone should not be used near
intensive care medical equipment or by persons with
Your phone can interfere with electrical equipment such
as answering machines, TV and radio sets if placed too
close. It is recommended that you position the base unit at
least one meter form such appliances.

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