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GSM pager CA-1802 „Athos“ 5/5 MHF57402
After this sequence has been sent once, the GSM pager will check
the balance automatically every xx days and if the balance is lower
than yyy the user will be notified (TEL1)
If the CREDIT instruction is enabled in the above way, the user
can also obtain the current balance by the instruction CREDIT
To disable the automatic balance checking set the time period “xx”
to 00.
12.3. Roaming
If you travel abroad and your SIM card supports roaming, the pager
will work there too except for the LOCATOR and CREDIT functions and
GPRS data communication which will not be available.
12.4. Reset GSM
If you need to disconnect and then reconnect the GSM module to the
GSM network, then use the command “MASTER RESET GSM”.
This does not affect any settings and is typically used for GPRS
activation or charging up credit. This command always requires the
Master code.
12.5. Service instruction
The DINFO instruction allows you to obtain current settings,
information about the quality of the GSM signal, the registration code for
GSMLink devices and some other parameters. This command always
requires the Master code.
Example of instruction: MASTER DINFO
Example of response: Car alarm reports: CA-1802A, SN:123456, SV:01,
LV:03, RK:ABCDE-12345-FG67, R:01, GSM:25, Time:3.2.06 11:35
CA-1802A car alarm version
SN:123456 identification number of the product
SV:01 software version
LV:03 language version
RK: ABCDE-12345-FG67 registration code for GSMLink
R:01 current Reset mode of the device
GSM:25 instant quality of GSM signal (ranging from 0 to 32 (best))
13. AUX output
AUX output can be set to the following mode.
AUX busthis mode allows you to connect up to four CR-11A
modules to the bus. This enables you to extend car alarm functionality
via the power output. There are two outputs available: A and B. They
can be operated by pressing two buttons together on the key fob RC-8x
(see instructions to CR-11A), or using SMS instructions. This allows you
to operate independent heating, refrigerators, flashing lights etc.). The
car must not be immobilized by use of this module, because the output
reacts to incoming SMS instructions in every state of the car alarm, in
particular, while the car is on the run, thus possibly not under the user’s
control which could cause a traffic accident.
Instruction Status
AUXA (B) Relay switches on for 1 second
ON - Switch on permanently*
OFF – Switch off permanently*
AUXA xxM in xxxS
AUXB xxM in xxxS
xxM – numeric value of requested
duration of the relay to be switched
on, in minutes
xxxS – as above, in seconds
Example of an instruction to switch B relay on for 30 seconds:
* Maximum switch-on time is 60 minutes.
* If a relay (A or B) is switched on while arming, it will be switched off. In
addition, the A relay, when switched on, will also be switched off while
14. The back-up battery and voltage monitoring
To handle an absence of supply voltage in the car (disconnecting the
main battery, deliberate damage etc.) the car alarm is equipped with a
BB-02 backup battery. The battery supplies the car alarm when no
supply voltage is present (for 5 hours minimum). Except for the acoustic
siren, the BB-02 backs-up all the functions of the car alarm. The car
alarm is supplied with a small current from the BB-02. Fully charging a
fully discharged battery requires 5 days. In the case of a supply voltage
outage, the BB-02 starts to generate a voltage either for the outage
duration or until it is completely discharged. While testing it or being
handled, it is possible to protect the backup battery from being
completely discharged by briefly shorting the BB-02’s terminals (the BB-
02 has to be disconnected from the power supply). This causes
disconnection of the electronics inside the back-up battery. In the case of
switch-over to BB-02 operation (after a voltage drop under 8.5V or after
complete disconnection of the battery), an SMS will be sent with
information about backup battery operation. After the backup battery
voltage drops under 4V, an SMS will be sent about the backup battery
being discharged. An SMS will also be sent after the recovery of the
main power supply voltage (at least 10 minutes).
15. Emergency RESET
In the case of an emergency, when no installation MASTER code is
available, it is possible to perform an emergency RESET of the car alarm
even without the code. Such a reset causes the car alarm to be set to
factory defaults, including access codes (stated in the manual). Caution:
all pre-programmed numbers, Locator parameters, DIP and SET
parameters will be deleted. You perform an emergency reset as follows:
Turn the power supply (including back-up battery, if any) off. Pull the SIM
card out of the car alarm and insert it into a phone, enter “RESET” as a
name into the SIM card’s phone directory, and enter “0” for the
corresponding phone number. Insert the SIM card back into the car
alarm and turn the power supply on. The reset is indicated by 4 beeps.
Please contact us by phoning +420 483 559 987. You can also e-mail
us your suggestions to improve our services and products to
16. Specification
Power supply 12-24V DC (8-32V)
Stand-by consumption max. 20 mA
Max. consumption (during GSM communication) 1 A
GSM band E-GSM / GPRS 900/1800MHz
Transmitted power 2 W for GSM900, 1 W for GSM1800
Frequency RX 868.5MHz
Operational temperature -20°C to +70°C
Output SIR +12V (24V), max. load 1.3A
Immobilization 8A permanently, 12A intermittently
Central locking outputs max. 200mA, to GND
pulses 0.5s, 4s or 60s (optional)
Complies with ECE Regulation No. 97.01
Can be operated according to ERC/DEC98(20,21), ERC REC 70-03
Safety EN 60950-1
EMC EN 55022, EN 50130-4
Radio interference ETSI EN 301 419-1, EN 301 511, ETSI EN 300 220
hereby declares that the CA-1802 is in compliance with the essential
requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive
1995/56/EC The original of the conformity assessment can be
found at www.jablotron.com
, Technical Support section
Note: Although this product does not contain any harmful materials we
suggest you return the product to the dealer or directly to the producer
after use.
97 RAI-01 4532

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