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Speaker Connections
CAUTION: Before making speaker connections, be sure that your receiver or
amplifier is turned OFF and preferably, its AC cord is unplugged from the AC power
Color-Coding System
The HKTS30SAT-2 use the channel color-coding system established by the CEA to make
setting up your home theater speaker system as easy as possible. The HKTS30SAT-2
systems include speaker wires with color bands on each end.
Speaker Position Wire Color Band
Surround Back Left Brown
Surround Back Right Tan
Speakers and receivers/amplifiers have corresponding ( + ) and ( – ) connection
terminals. Most electronics manufacturers, including Harman Kardon, use red to denote
the ( + ) terminal and black for the ( – ) terminal. Newer Harman Kardon receivers
conform to the CEA standard and therefore use a color other than red to denote the ( + )
terminal for some speaker positions.
Each speaker wire included with your system has colored bands at both ends of the ( + )
conductor. In addition to the colored bands at each end, each speaker wire’s ( + ) terminal
has ribs molded into its insulation to help identify it, while the ( – ) terminal has no ribs.
It is very important to connect each speaker identically: ( + ) on the speaker to
( + ) on the receiver or amplifier, and ( – ) on the speaker to ( – ) on the receiver or
amplifier. Miswiring one or more speakers results in thin sound, weak bass and a poor
stereo image. With the advent of multichannel surround-sound systems, connecting
all of the speakers in your system correctly is very impor-tant for achieving the proper
ambience and directionality of the sound coming from the speakers.
To connect the speaker wire to the terminals on the speakers, press down on the top of
the terminal to open the connection hole, insert the wire’s bare end all the way into the
hole and release the terminal to secure the wire. Insert the conductor with the colored
band into the speaker’s red ( + ) terminal, and insert the other conductor into the
speaker’s black ( – ) terminal, as shown in the illustration.
Push Down on Cap to
Open Hole
Insert Bare Wire into
Open Hole
Release Cap to Secure Wire
IMPORTANT: Make sure the ( + ) and ( – ) bare wires do not touch each other or
the other terminal. Touching wires can cause a short circuit that can damage your
receiver or amplifier.
Connecting HKTS30SAT-2 Speakers with
Supplied Wall-Mount Brackets
Follow the instructions in Wall-Mounting, on page 3.
Connecting HKTS30SAT-2 Speakers with
Supplied Bases
Remove the speaker’s base (see1. Shelf Placement, on page 3).
Pass the speaker wire through the opening in the speaker 2.
Connect the speaker wire as described in Color-Coding 3.
System, opposite.
Reattach the speaker’s base as shown in the illustration.4.
0209CSK - HK HKTS30SAT-2 Inlay.indb 5 09/04/10 8:56:05

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Harman Kardon HKTS30SAT-2 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 8 pagina's

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