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4 5
NOTE: If youre running the speaker wire through the wall you can bring it out directly
behind the bracket location and insert it through the bottom opening in the wall portion
of the wall-mount, as shown in the illustration. This will keep the wire completely hidden
from view once the installation is complete.
Insert Wire into
Bottom Opening
Bring Wire Out
through Here
If youre not running the speaker wire through the wall, insert it through the wall 5.
portion of the wall-mount bracket as shown in the illustration.
Pass the speaker wire through the speaker portion of the wall-mount as shown in the 6.
Bring Wire In
through Here
Bring Wire Out
through Here
If you have not already removed the speaker’s base, do so by pulling it straight off the 7.
speaker, as shown in the illustration. Applying even pressure to both sides of the base
will allow it to slide off smoothly.
Apply Pressure Evenly
to Both Sides of Base
Lift Base Straight
off Speaker
CAUTION: Before making speaker connections, be sure that your receiver or amplifier
is turned OFF and preferably, its AC cord is unplugged from the AC outlet.
Connect the speaker wire to the speaker terminals as shown in the illustration: 8.
Press down on the top of the terminal to open the connection hole.
Insert the wire’s bare end all the way into the hole.
Release the terminal to secure the wire.
Insert the conductor with the colored band into the speaker’s red ( + ) terminal, and
insert the other conductor into the speaker’s black ( – ) terminal.
Push Down on Cap to
Open Hole
Insert Bare Wire into
Open Hole
Release Cap to Secure Wire
Make sure the ( + ) and ( – ) bare wires do not touch each other or the
other terminal. Touching wires can cause a short circuit that can damage your receiver
or amplifier.
Slide the speaker portion of wall-mount onto the speaker as shown in the illustration. 9.
Fit the wall-mount bracket's grooves onto the rails in the speaker, and apply even
pressure on both sides of the mount so it slides straight onto the speaker.
Push the mount all the way onto the speaker until it snaps into place.
Pull any slack speaker wire back through the mount as you slide the mount onto the
Fit Bracket Grooves
onto Speaker Rails
Push Down Evenly on Both Sides of Bracket
Slide the speaker onto the mount’s wall section as shown in the illustration. Pull any 10.
slack speaker wire back through the mount’s wall section.
Slide Speaker
onto Wall-Mount
Fit the metal stop plate into the recess on the bottom of the wall-mount bracket with 11.
the pad facing the bracket, and fasten it to the bracket using two of the supplied
screws. Fastening it will prevent the speaker from detaching from the wall-mount
bracket and will hold the speaker in position as you rotate it on the wall-mount
Supplied Screws
Stop Plate
0209CSK - HK HKTS30SAT-2 Inlay.indb 4 09/04/10 8:56:05

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Harman Kardon HKTS30SAT-2 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 8 pagina's

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