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Thank you for choosing Harman Kardon! With the
purchase of a Harman Kardon
AVR 445, you are
about to begin many years of listening enjoyment.
The AVR 445 has the most extensive range of audio
and video processing, control and connectivity options
ever offered by Harman Kardon, enabling it to provide
the best possible audio and video reproduction with
ny type of source material. Teaming advanced pro-
cessing circuitry with proprietary technologies such as
EzSet/EQ, the AVR 445 seamlessly integrates every
component in your entertainment system to deliver the
best possible sound and images.
Some of the leading-edge features that are available
with the AVR 445, such as HDMI
switching and
XM Ready
operation, are new to even the most
experienced home theater enthusiast. Although the
power of the AVR 445 makes them easy to use, we
strongly recommend that you take a few minutes to
read this owner’s manual to familiarize yourself with
how the full suite of AVR 445 features and capabilities
are configured and used in day-to-day operation. This
small investment of time will yield significant dividends
in taking the maximum advantage of this new addition
to your home theater system.
If you have any questions about this product, its instal-
lation or its operation, you may also access a wealth
of information and assistance by visiting our Web site
at www.harmankardon.com.
Description and Features
The AVR 445 serves as the hub of your home enter-
tainment system, providing a wide range of listening
possibilities for almost any audio or video program
source, whether it is the broadcast of a movie or
sporting event in HDTV or a vintage mono or stereo
recording. When playing digital audio sources, the
AVR 445 decodes Dolby
Digital, Dolby Digital EX,
and DTS-ES
data streams
wo-channel stereo
and matrix surround sources benefit from all current
Dolby Pro Logic
IIx modes and DTS Neo:6.
latest version of our proprietary Logic 7
process is
on-board to create a wider, more enveloping sound
field and more defined surround channel positioning,
regardless of the type of source material. Additional
audio playback options include a direct connection to
compatible computer-based sources through a direct
USB connection
The AVR 445 takes the “video” part of its name seri-
ously. Along with two HDMI inputs and three 60MHz
analog component video inputs, the AVR 445 converts
omposite and S-video to component for single video
onnections. The AVR 445 also provides A/V sync
delay so that lip sync errors – commonly seen when
digital video processing is used in a source, program
or video display – are eliminated.
Thanks to a wide range of multizone options and a
standard ZR 10 remote control, the AVR 445 makes
it possible to watch and listen to a separate source in
one room while the main home theater uses a differ-
ent source. Using the assignable rear surround chan-
nel amplifiers, you may create a basic remote listening
zone without any additional equipment, or the unit’s
multiroom outputs may be used to feed an optional,
external power amplifier and volume control. For
one-wire multiroom connectivity, the AVR 445 is
, requiring only a single Category 5/5e
cable run and an optional remote module to power a
pair of remote speakers while controlling volume and
enabling full control over the program source and
connected IR-controlled devices.
Along with the latest advances in digital audio and
video technology, Harman Kardon recognizes that
some things remain constant, and in the case of the
AVR 445 that is a requirement for audio power best
served by our time-honored high-current, ultrawide-
bandwidth amplifier design. The AVR 445’s seven-
channel amplifier provides the power to reproduce the
loudest crescendos or cinema sound effects while
remaining virtually free from distortion or system noise.
With a combination of state-of-the-art circuitry, digital
technology and proven perfor
mance with an elegant
design that is compatible with the latest source com-
ponents and video displays, the AVR 445 represents
the culmination of Harman Kardon’s fifty-plus-year
y of delivering the finest sonic perfor
All popular digital and matrix surround modes,
including Dolby
Digital, Dolby Digital EX,
Dolby Pro Logic
Discrete and
atrix, DTS Neo:6
nd DTS 96/24
Seven channels of high-current, ultrawide-band-
width amplification with the surround back channels
assignable to either main-room or remote-room use
inputs and three assignable high-band-
width analog component inputs for switching the
latest high-definition video sources
onverts composite and S-video sources to com-
ponent video
EzSet/EQ for quick and accurate system setup and
room correction
Harman Kardon’s Logic 7
processing brings a new
sense of reality to stereo and matrix surround
Dolby Virtual Speaker processing for use when less
than a full 5.1 or 7.1 speaker complement is
Dolby Headphone for spacious, open sound when
using headphones
USB connectivity for audio playback with compatible
computers and quick system upgrades
Full bass management for all inputs, including
the analog direct inputs for high-resolution DVDs,
DVD-Audio and SACD
players, including Quad
Crossover settings and individual settings for
each input
A/V sync delay adjustable for each video input
delivers perfect lip sync with digital programs or
video displays
Front-panel analog audio/video jacks may be used
as either inputs or outputs for connection to the
latest portable products or video game consoles
Extensive multiroom options, including a standard
ZR 10 remote, audio and video outputs to the
remote zone, assignable rear channel amplifier
channels and A-BUS/
capability for listening
to a separate source in a remote zone
AVR445 OM 6/23/06 3:13 PM Page 3

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Andere handleiding(en) van Harman Kardon AVR445

Harman Kardon AVR445 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 66 pagina's

Harman Kardon AVR445 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 66 pagina's

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