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Stereo Mode
Continuous Average Power (FTC)
80 Watts per channel, 20Hz–20kHz,
@ <0.07% THD, both channels driven into 8 ohms
even-Channel Surround Modes
Power per Individual Channel
ront L & R channels:
65 Watts per channel
@ <0.07% THD, 20Hz–20kHz into 8 ohms
enter channel:
65 Watts @ <0.07% THD, 20Hz–20kHz into 8 ohms
Surround (L & R Side, L & R back) channels:
65 Watts per channel
@ <0.07% THD, 20Hz–20kHz into 8 ohms
Input Sensitivity/Impedance
Linear (High-Level) 200mV/47k ohms
Signal-to-Noise Ratio (IHF-A) 100dB
Surround System Adjacent Channel Separation
Dolby Pro Logic 40dB
Dolby Digital 55dB
DTS 55dB
Frequency Response
@ 1W (+0dB, –3dB) 10Hz –130kHz
High Instantaneous
Current Capability (HCC) ±40 Amps
Transient Intermodulation
Distortion (TIM) Unmeasurable
Slew Rate 40V/µsec
Tuner Section
Frequency Range 87.5–108.0MHz
Usable Sensitivity IHF 1.3µV/13.2dBf
Signal-to-Noise Ratio Mono/Stereo 70/68dB
Distortion Mono/Stereo 0.2/0.3%
Stereo Separation 40dB @ 1kHz
Selectivity ±400kHz, 70dB
Image Rejection 80dB
IF Rejection
The AVR 445 is supplied with the following accessory items. If any
item is missing, please contact Harman Kardon customer service
at www.harmankardon.com.
• Six AAA batteries • Extender rod for microphone
• System remote control
AM loop antenna
• ZR 10 remote control • FM wire antenna
microphone • AC power cord
Please register your product on our
eb site at www.harmankardon.com. NOTE: You’ll need the serial number of your AVR. At the same time, you can choose
to be notified about our new products and/or special promotions.
M Tuner Section
Frequency Range 520–1720kHz
Signal-to-Noise Ratio 45dB
Usable Sensitivity Loop 500µV
Distortion 1kHz, 50% Mod 0.8%
electivity ±10kHz, 30dB
Video Section
elevision Format NTSC
Input Level/Impedance 1V p-p/75 ohms
Output Level/Impedance 1V p-p/75 ohms
Video Frequency Response
(Composite and S-Video) 10Hz–8MHz (–3dB)
Video Frequency Response
(Component Video) 10Hz–60MHz (–3dB)
Power Requirement AC 120V/60Hz
Power Consumption 120W at Power On, idle; 1,025W at rated power output
(7 channels driven)
Dimensions Product Shipping
Width 17-5/16 inches (440mm) 20-1/16 inches (510mm)
Height 6-1/2 inches (165mm) 10 inches (254mm)
Depth 17-1/16 inches (435mm) 22-3/16 inches (565mm)
Weight 39 lb (17.7kg) 46 lb (20.9kg)
Depth measurement includes knobs, buttons and terminal connections.
Height measurement includes feet and chassis.
All features and specifications are subject to change without notice.
Harman Kardon, Harman International and Logic 7 are registered trademarks of
Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
and are trademarks of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Dolby, Pro Logic and the Double-D symbol are registered trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.
Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories.
DTS, DTS Surround, DTS-ES, DTS 96/24 and DTS Neo:6 are registered trademarks of DTS, Inc.
A-BUS and A-BUS/
READY are registered trademarks of Leisure Tech Electronics Pty Ltd Australia.
SACD is a trademark of Sony Corporation.
iPod and iTunes are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.
HD-DVD is a trademark of the DVD Format/Logo Licensing Corporation (DVD FLLC).
HDMI, the HDMI logo and High-Definition Multimedia Interface are trademarks or registered trademarks
of HDMI Licensing, LLC.
Microsoft, Windows and Windows Media are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in
the United States and other countries.
XM Ready is a registered trademark of XM Satellite Radio, Inc.
RealPlayer is a registered trademark of RealNetworks
Winamp is a registered trademark of
America Online
o is a registered trademark of
iVo Inc.
AVR445 OM 6/23/06 3:14 PM Page 62

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Andere handleiding(en) van Harman Kardon AVR445

Harman Kardon AVR445 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 66 pagina's

Harman Kardon AVR445 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 66 pagina's

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