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Typographical Conventions
In order to help you use this manual with the remote control, front-panel controls and rear-panel connections,
certain conventions have been used.
EXAMPLE (bold type) indicates a specific remote control or front-panel button, or rear-panel
connection jack
EXAMPLE (OCR type) indicates a message that is visible on screen, or on the front-panel
information display
1 (number in a square) indicates a specific front-panel control
A (letter in a square) indicates a front-panel control that is normally concealed behind the drop-down door
¡ (number in a circle) indicates a rear-panel connection
a (number in an oval) indicates a button or indicator on the main remote control
(letter in an oval) indicates a button on the ZR 10 remote control
Important note about the instructions in this manual: The appearance of the menus, text and/or cursor in your
receiver’s on-screen menus may vary slightly from the illustrations in this manual. Whether the text appears in
all uppercase or upper- and lowercase characters, performance and operation remain the same.
Please register your product on our Web site at www.harmankardon.com. Note: You’ll need the serial
number of your new AVR. At the same time, you can choose to be notified about our new products
and/or special promotions.
3 I
4 I
mportant Safety Information
4 Unpacking
5 Front-Panel Controls
8 Rear-Panel Connections
11 Main Remote Control Functions
15 ZR 10 Remote Control Functions
17 Installation and Connections
20 System Configuration
peaker Placement
n/Out Setup
24 Audio Setup
24 Surround Setup
26 Using EzSet/EQ
28 Manual Setup
29 Speaker Size and Crossover
30 Delay Settings
31 Output Level Adjustment
34 Operation
34 Basic Operation
34 Source Selection
35 Volume and Tone Control
35 Surround Mode Selection
35 Digital Audio Playback
37 USB Playback
39 Using The Bridge
39 AM/FM Tuner Operation
39 XM Radio Operation
40 Recording
40 Front-Panel Connections
41 Output Level Trim Adjustment
41 Dim Function
42 Advanced Features
42 Front-Panel Display Fade
42 Display Brightness
42 Turn-On Volume
42 Semi-OSD Settings
43 Full-OSD Time-Out Adjustment
43 DMP/The Bridge Auto Power
44 Multiroom
44 Multiroom
44 Surround Channel
Amplifier Assignment
45 Multiroom Operation
46 Configuring the Remote
46 Preprogrammed Code Entry
47 Automatic Code Entry
47 Learning Commands
48 Learning Codes for an Input Selector
49 Changing Devices
49 Macro Programming
51 Punch-Through Configuration
53 Renaming
54 Resetting the Remote
55 Device Priority Timing
57 Troubleshooting Guide
57 Processor Reset
58 Appendix
62 Technical Specifications
62 Trademark Acknowledgements
For Canadian model
Modèle pour les Canadien
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme
la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
Sur les modèles dont la fiche est polarisee:
ATTENTION: Pour éviter les chocs électriques, introduire
la lame la plus large de la fiche dans la borne
correspondante de la prise et pousser jusqu’au fond.
This class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian
For models having a power cord with a polarized plug:
AUTION: To prevent electric shock, match wide blade
of plug to wide slot, fully insert.
AVR445 OM 6/23/06 3:13 PM Page 2

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Andere handleiding(en) van Harman Kardon AVR445

Harman Kardon AVR445 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 66 pagina's

Harman Kardon AVR445 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 66 pagina's

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