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With this face tanner you can suntan at home. A timer ensures that each session does not last
longer than 60 minutes. Just as with natural sunlight, overexposure must be avoided (see
chapter ‘Tanning and your health’).
Read these instructions for use carefully before using the appliance and save them for future
Check if the voltage indicated on the appliance corresponds to the mains voltage in
your home before you connect the appliance.
If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer or service agent
or a similarly qualied person in order to avoid a hazard.
Water and electricity are a dangerous combination! Do not use this appliance in wet
surroundings (e.g. in the bathroom or near a shower or swimming pool).
If you have just been swimming or have just taken a shower, dry yourself thoroughly
before using the appliance.
Make sure children do not play with the appliance.
Always unplug the appliance after use.
Let the appliance cool down for approx. 15 minutes before storing it.
Make sure the vents in the back of the appliance remain open during use.
Do not exceed the recommended tanning times and the maximum number of tanning
hours (see section Tanning sessions: how often and how long?’).
Do not tan your face more than once a day. Avoid excessive exposure to natural sunlight
on the same day.
Colours may fade under the inuence of the sun. The same eect may occur when using
this appliance.
Do not expect the appliance to yield better results than natural sunlight.
Take the following precautions:
Protect your eyes during tanning using the UV goggles provided. Contact lenses and
sun glasses are not a substitute for the goggles. The unprotected eye may develop
surface inammation. After excessive exposure in some cases damage may occur to the
retina. Many repeated exposures to the unprotected eye can lead to cataracts.
Remove cosmetics well in advance of exposure. Do not use any sunscreens or products
that accelerate tanning.
In case of pronounced sensitivity or allergic reaction to ultraviolet radiation, it is
recommended to take medical advice before starting exposure.
Do not sunbathe and use the appliance on the same day. The skin does not make any
distinction between UV-rays from the sun or from a tanning appliance.
Protect sensitive skin parts such as scars, tattoos and genitals from exposure.
If persistent lumps or sores appear on the skin or if there are changes in pigmented
moles, seek medical advice before resuming tanning.
Do not use the tanning appliance if the timer is faulty.
Do not use the tanning appliance if the lter of the face tanner is broken or removed.
Make sure that non-users, especially children, are not present when the appliance is
being operated.
A tanning appliance is not to be used by:
Persons with reduced sensory and/or mental capacity.
Persons lacking knowledge of or experience with tanning appliances, with the
exception of individuals who are being supervised or have received instructions

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