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It is our desire that the excellent pro-
perties of the Hakomatic should justify
the confidence you demonstrated by
making this purchase. We did our best
to supply you with an efficient and
dependable machine.
Before first operation of your Hako-
matic, read these instructions carefully.
They will inform you in detail about
operation of the item and contains
valuable information for service and
maintenance. The exclamation mark
symbol has been used in this
manual at several places and
identifies particular areas that are of
essence for your safety. Please pass
all safety instruction on to other
Caution! Prior to first operation, read
the manual carefully, and strictly com-
ply with the instructions contained.
When performing cleaning and service
work and before replacing any parts
or commencing conversion of any
function, turn the machine OFF and
disconnect the battery plug.
This manual always should be kept in
the storage box located in the right-
hand side door.
Please comply with the ”General pro-
visions for safety” (p. 36 to 37).
Proper use
The Hakomatic B 910 vacuum
scrubbing machine has been de-
signed exclusively for floor cleaning,
such as wet scrubbing and vacuum
cleaning and, with the pre-sweeping
equipment for dry sweepin.
Whatever sort of use beyond the
specified range will be deemed im-
proper use; the manufacturer cannot
be held liable for consequential
The term of proper use also includes
compliance with the manufacturer’s
instructions about operation, mainte-
nance and repair.
The Hakomatic may be used, serviced
and repaired by persons only that are
familiar with the machine and are
aware of possible hazards involved.
The appropriate Accident Prevention
Regulations as well as applicable
general regulations about safety and
health at work will have to be com-
plied with. Modifications made to the
machine in absence of the manu-
facturer’s consent will relieve the
manufacturer from a possible liability
for consequential damage.
Caution! This machine is not suitable
for evacuation of dusts dangerous to
of the machine
Upon arrival, check your consign-
ment for possible transit damage.
Please have the railway authorities or
the freight forwarder confirm such
damage and mail your damage report
and waybill to:
Hako-Werke GmbH,
Hamburger Str. 209-239,
23843 Bad Oldesloe.
It is our desire that the excellent pro-
perties of the Hakomatic should justify
the confidence you demonstrated by
making this purchase. We did our best
to supply you with an efficient and
dependable machine.
Before first operation of your Hako-
matic, read these instructions carefully.
They will inform you in detail about
operation of the item and contains
valuable information for service and
maintenance. The exclamation mark
symbol has been used in this
manual at several places and
identifies particular areas that are of
essence for your safety. Please pass
all safety instruction on to other
Caution! Prior to first operation, read
the manual carefully, and strictly com-
ply with the instructions contained.
When performing cleaning and service
work and before replacing any parts
or commencing conversion of any
function, turn the machine OFF and
disconnect the battery plug.
This manual always should be kept in
the storage box located in the right-
hand side door.
Please comply with the ”General pro-
visions for safety” (p. 36 to 37).
Proper use
The Hakomatic B 910 vacuum
scrubbing machine has been de-
signed exclusively for floor cleaning,
such as wet scrubbing and vacuum
cleaning and, with the pre-sweeping
equipment for dry sweepin.
Whatever sort of use beyond the
specified range will be deemed im-
proper use; the manufacturer cannot
be held liable for consequential
The term of proper use also includes
compliance with the manufacturer’s
instructions about operation, mainte-
nance and repair.
The Hakomatic may be used, serviced
and repaired by persons only that are
familiar with the machine and are
aware of possible hazards involved.
The appropriate Accident Prevention
Regulations as well as applicable
general regulations about safety and
health at work will have to be com-
plied with. Modifications made to the
machine in absence of the manu-
facturer’s consent will relieve the
manufacturer from a possible liability
for consequential damage.
Caution! This machine is not suitable
for evacuation of dusts dangerous to
of the machine
Upon arrival, check your consign-
ment for possible transit damage.
Please have the railway authorities or
the freight forwarder confirm such
damage and mail your damage report
and waybill to:
Hako-Werke GmbH,
Hamburger Str. 209-239,
23843 Bad Oldesloe.
It is our desire that the excellent pro-
perties of the Hakomatic should justify
the confidence you demonstrated by
making this purchase. We did our best
to supply you with an efficient and
dependable machine.
Before first operation of your Hako-
matic, read these instructions carefully.
They will inform you in detail about
operation of the item and contains
valuable information for service and
maintenance. The exclamation mark
symbol has been used in this
manual at several places and
identifies particular areas that are of
essence for your safety. Please pass
all safety instruction on to other
Caution! Prior to first operation, read
the manual carefully, and strictly com-
ply with the instructions contained.
When performing cleaning and service
work and before replacing any parts
or commencing conversion of any
function, turn the machine OFF and
disconnect the battery plug.
This manual always should be kept in
the storage box located in the right-
hand side door.
Please comply with the ”General pro-
visions for safety” (p. 36 to 37).
Proper use
The Hakomatic B 910 vacuum
scrubbing machine has been de-
signed exclusively for floor cleaning,
such as wet scrubbing and vacuum
cleaning and, with the pre-sweeping
equipment for dry sweepin.
Whatever sort of use beyond the
specified range will be deemed im-
proper use; the manufacturer cannot
be held liable for consequential
The term of proper use also includes
compliance with the manufacturer’s
instructions about operation, mainte-
nance and repair.
The Hakomatic may be used, serviced
and repaired by persons only that are
familiar with the machine and are
aware of possible hazards involved.
The appropriate Accident Prevention
Regulations as well as applicable
general regulations about safety and
health at work will have to be com-
plied with. Modifications made to the
machine in absence of the manu-
facturer’s consent will relieve the
manufacturer from a possible liability
for consequential damage.
Caution! This machine is not suitable
for evacuation of dusts dangerous to
of the machine
Upon arrival, check your consign-
ment for possible transit damage.
Please have the railway authorities or
the freight forwarder confirm such
damage and mail your damage report
and waybill to:
Hako-Werke GmbH,
Hamburger Str. 209-239,
23843 Bad Oldesloe.
It is our desire that the excellent pro-
perties of the Hakomatic should justify
the confidence you demonstrated by
making this purchase. We did our best
to supply you with an efficient and
dependable machine.
Before first operation of your Hako-
matic, read these instructions carefully.
They will inform you in detail about
operation of the item and contains
valuable information for service and
maintenance. The exclamation mark
symbol has been used in this
manual at several places and
identifies particular areas that are of
essence for your safety. Please pass
all safety instruction on to other
Caution! Prior to first operation, read
the manual carefully, and strictly com-
ply with the instructions contained.
When performing cleaning and service
work and before replacing any parts
or commencing conversion of any
function, turn the machine OFF and
disconnect the battery plug.
This manual always should be kept in
the storage box located in the right-
hand side door.
Please comply with the ”General pro-
visions for safety” (p. 36 to 37).
Proper use
The Hakomatic B 910 vacuum
scrubbing machine has been de-
signed exclusively for floor cleaning,
such as wet scrubbing and vacuum
cleaning and, with the pre-sweeping
equipment for dry sweepin.
Whatever sort of use beyond the
specified range will be deemed im-
proper use; the manufacturer cannot
be held liable for consequential
The term of proper use also includes
compliance with the manufacturer’s
instructions about operation, mainte-
nance and repair.
The Hakomatic may be used, serviced
and repaired by persons only that are
familiar with the machine and are
aware of possible hazards involved.
The appropriate Accident Prevention
Regulations as well as applicable
general regulations about safety and
health at work will have to be com-
plied with. Modifications made to the
machine in absence of the manu-
facturer’s consent will relieve the
manufacturer from a possible liability
for consequential damage.
Caution! This machine is not suitable
for evacuation of dusts dangerous to
of the machine
Upon arrival, check your consign-
ment for possible transit damage.
Please have the railway authorities or
the freight forwarder confirm such
damage and mail your damage report
and waybill to:
Hako-Werke GmbH,
Hamburger Str. 209-239,
23843 Bad Oldesloe.
Hako GmbH
Scrubmaster should justify
Scrubmaster B140 R vacuum
Scrubmaster may be used,serviced

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