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Table of contents
Please be adviced explicitly that
we cannot accept any legal
claims out of the contents of this
If repair work has to be performed,
make sure that only genuine
spare parts may guarantee a
dependable machine and will
make sure that your rights under
current warranty are not affected.
We reserve the right for technical
Valid as for September 1999
Hako-Werke GmbH
Hamburger Str. 209-239
D-23843 Bad Oldesloe
Phone ++49 (04531) 8060
Proper use ....................................... 35
Acceptance of the machine ............ 35
General safety instructions.............. 36
Method of operation
of Hakomatic B 910......................... 38
How to take the machine
into operation................................. 38
Assembly ......................................... 38
Battery systems............................... 39
Battery charge warning unit ............ 39
Charger units ................................... 39
Installation of battery....................... 40
Plug connection coding .................. 41
Operation/Operation elements .... 43
Driving with the Hakomatic B 910... 49
Working with the Hakomatic B 910. 50
Detergents ....................................... 50
Refilling the fresh water tank........... 50
Brushes/Pads .................................. 53
Installation of brushes/drive plate ... 54
Removal of brushes/drive plate ...... 54
Soiled and fresh water tanks........... 55
Removal of filter .............................. 55
Squeegee ........................................ 56
Cleaning the Squeegee ................... 56
Changing the Sealing Strips............ 56
Adjusting the Sealing Strips
Angel Adjustment ............................ 57
Height Adjustment........................... 58
Electrical equipment........................ 59
Towing ............................................. 59
Technical data................................ 60
Battery systems............................... 61
Noise level ....................................... 62
Vibrations......................................... 62
Maintenance work......................... 63
Service display ................................ 64
Maintenance work ........................... 65
EC conformity declaration............ 69
Table of contents
Please be adviced explicitly that
we cannot accept any legal
claims out of the contents of this
If repair work has to be performed,
make sure that only genuine
spare parts may guarantee a
dependable machine and will
make sure that your rights under
current warranty are not affected.
We reserve the right for technical
Valid as for September 1999
Hako-Werke GmbH
Hamburger Str. 209-239
D-23843 Bad Oldesloe
Phone ++49 (04531) 8060
Proper use ....................................... 35
Acceptance of the machine ............ 35
General safety instructions.............. 36
Method of operation
of Hakomatic B 910......................... 38
How to take the machine
into operation................................. 38
Assembly ......................................... 38
Battery systems............................... 39
Battery charge warning unit ............ 39
Charger units ................................... 39
Installation of battery....................... 40
Plug connection coding .................. 41
Operation/Operation elements .... 43
Driving with the Hakomatic B 910... 49
Working with the Hakomatic B 910. 50
Detergents ....................................... 50
Refilling the fresh water tank........... 50
Brushes/Pads .................................. 53
Installation of brushes/drive plate ... 54
Removal of brushes/drive plate ...... 54
Soiled and fresh water tanks........... 55
Removal of filter .............................. 55
Squeegee ........................................ 56
Cleaning the Squeegee ................... 56
Changing the Sealing Strips............ 56
Adjusting the Sealing Strips
Angel Adjustment ............................ 57
Height Adjustment........................... 58
Electrical equiqment........................ 59
Towing ............................................. 59
Technical data................................ 60
Battery systems............................... 61
Noise level ....................................... 62
Vibrations......................................... 62
Maintenance work......................... 63
Service display ................................ 64
Maintenance work ........................... 65
EC conformity declaration............ 69
Table of contents
Please be adviced explicitly that
we cannot accept any legal
claims out of the contents of this
If repair work has to be performed,
make sure that only genuine
spare parts may guarantee a
dependable machine and will
make sure that your rights under
current warranty are not affected.
We reserve the right for technical
Valid as for September 1999
Hako-Werke GmbH
Hamburger Str. 209-239
D-23843 Bad Oldesloe
Phone ++49 (04531) 8060
Proper use ....................................... 35
Acceptance of the machine ............ 35
General safety instructions.............. 36
Method of operation
of Hakomatic B 910......................... 38
How to take the machine
into operation................................. 38
Assembly ......................................... 38
Battery systems............................... 39
Battery charge warning unit ............ 39
Charger units ................................... 39
Installation of battery....................... 40
Plug connection coding .................. 41
Operation/Operation elements .... 43
Driving with the Hakomatic B 910... 49
Working with the Hakomatic B 910. 50
Detergents ....................................... 50
Refilling the fresh water tank........... 50
Brushes/Pads .................................. 53
Installation of brushes/drive plate ... 54
Removal of brushes/drive plate ...... 54
Soiled and fresh water tanks........... 55
Removal of filter .............................. 55
Squeegee ........................................ 56
Cleaning the Squeegee ................... 56
Changing the Sealing Strips............ 56
Adjusting the Sealing Strips
Angel Adjustment ............................ 57
Height Adjustment........................... 58
Electrical equipment........................ 59
Towing ............................................. 59
Technical data................................ 60
Battery systems............................... 61
Noise level ....................................... 62
Vibrations......................................... 62
Maintenance work......................... 63
Service display ................................ 64
Maintenance work ........................... 65
EC conformity declaration............ 69
Table of contents
Please be adviced explicitly that
we cannot accept any legal
claims out of the contents of this
If repair work has to be performed,
make sure that only genuine
spare parts may guarantee a
dependable machine and will
make sure that your rights under
current warranty are not affected.
We reserve the right for technical
Valid as for September 1999
Hako-Werke GmbH
Hamburger Str. 209-239
D-23843 Bad Oldesloe
Phone ++49 (04531) 8060
Proper use ....................................... 35
Acceptance of the machine ............ 35
General safety instructions.............. 36
Method of operation
of Hakomatic B 910......................... 38
How to take the machine
into operation................................. 38
Assembly ......................................... 38
Battery systems............................... 39
Battery charge warning unit ............ 39
Charger units ................................... 39
Installation of battery....................... 40
Plug connection coding .................. 41
Operation/Operation elements .... 43
Driving with the Hakomatic B 910... 49
Working with the Hakomatic B 910. 50
Detergents ....................................... 50
Refilling the fresh water tank........... 50
Brushes/Pads .................................. 53
Installation of brushes/drive plate ... 54
Removal of brushes/drive plate ...... 54
Soiled and fresh water tanks........... 55
Removal of filter .............................. 55
Squeegee ........................................ 56
Cleaning the Squeegee ................... 56
Changing the Sealing Strips............ 56
Adjusting the Sealing Strips
Angel Adjustment ............................ 57
Height Adjustment........................... 58
Electrical equiqment........................ 59
Towing ............................................. 59
Technical data................................ 60
Battery systems............................... 61
Noise level ....................................... 62
Vibrations......................................... 62
Maintenance work......................... 63
Service display ................................ 64
Maintenance work ........................... 65
EC conformity declaration............ 69
Hako GmbH
Scrubmaster B140 R
Scrubmaster B140 R
Working with the Scrubmaster B140 R

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