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user guide mypressi
user guide
Rinse all components of the TWIST including the water bowl, showerheads, baskets,
lid and main handle in clean hot water. Place your thumb over the small o-ring on
the handle to prevent it inadvertently washing away. Thoroughly remove all soaps if
applicable. You may also remove the caution label regarding the small o-ring, and if
you should ever notice that o-ring missing, or you think your TWIST is not pressur-
izing, just replace it from the collection of spare o-rings provided.
DO NOT place any of the TWIST’s components in a dishwasher as the heat may
damage the materials or cause discoloration. For more information, turn to “Care &
The TWIST will only work if there is a compressed gas cartridge installed in the
handle. Make sure that you have done so before attempting to produce espresso.
• Use fresh roasted, specialty coffee and ltered water.
• If possible, grind coffee fresh with a good quality burr grinder. “Espresso” grind is much ner than
that of prepackaged ground coffee. Use the “coarse” basket if your extraction is too fast.
• Ensure proper dose with a gram scale.
Tamp the coffee with around 30 lbs of pressure.
• Remove the lower bowl and utilize the TWIST as a bottomless portalter,
exposing the base of the basket.
• Preheat the water bowl and your cup with very hot or boiling water, wait 20 seconds and empty.
• Preheat the lower bowl by pouring some hot water through while the basket is in the handle.
• Pour a few ounces of pre-heated water over the standard basket while it is in the handle (wait 20
seconds before removing the basket).
• Everything shiny or in contact with water is hot, so be careful.
Unscrew the end cap from the TWIST’s handle, the follow the steps as pictured below:
a. Place the large end of the gas charger into the end cap.
b. Screw both back into the handle until is is completely flush with the body.
c. The metal bands on the end cap and handle should match up.
TIP: Each charger will make up
to four double or eight single
shots. Track your double shots
using the shot-counter on the
water bowl. (We always prefer
double shots to singles, so the
shot counter counts doubles.)

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