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user guide mypressi
user guide
The mypressi
is a pressurized system. All parts have been extensively tested during manufac-
ture, however improper use can put you and others at risk. The TWIST is intended for household use
only. NEVER use the TWIST in any manner contrary to these directions. NOT FOR USE by children. NEVER
consume liquid directly from the TWIST as contents may be hot. ALWAYS use the TWIST on a flat, stable
surface. NEVER place the TWIST near an open flame, a hot gas or electric burner, or on or in a gas or
electric oven, an electric hot plate, a microwave or dishwasher. ONLY USE clean, hot water in the TWIST.
Do not use any other fluid. NEVER heat the water directly in the water bowl. Water must be heated by an
external heating source such as a kettle and then poured into the bowl. DO NOT USE any accessories not
recommended by the manufacturer, as this may cause injury. DO NOT USE the TWIST if it is showing any
sign of breakdown or malfunction. Place the TWIST on a flat stable surface before pouring water into the
water bowl. DO NOT unscrew the end-cap while the TWIST is under pressure (with a full or partially full
cartridge in the handle). If you must remove the cartridge while it is still full, remove the water bowl, then
release the pressure in the TWIST by holding the trigger until all the gas has been expelled. DO NOT use
the TWIST for other than its intended use.
EXERCISE CAUTION when inserting or removing the pressure cartridge. DO NOT remove or attempt to
remove the water bowl or water bowl lid while operating. After releasing trigger wait at least 20 seconds
before removing the water bowl or lid. Never force open the water bowl or lid. The water bowl or lid may
feel tight where there is residual pressure. Always wait for all pressure to dissipate before opening. This
may take up to 10 minutes. ONLY use 8gm 600 psi N2O cartridges or CO2 cartridges.
© 2009-2010 Espressi, Inc. All rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, this manual may not be copied
in whole or in part without the written consent of Espressi, Inc. mypressi and TWIST are trademarks of
Espressi, Inc in the US and other countries. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in
this manual is accurate. Espressi, Inc is not responsible for printing or clerical errors.
Congratulations on your new mypressi
, the revolutionary,
handheld espresso maker that’s perfect for the home, office and just
about everywhere else!
This User Guide will help you get the most from your TWIST, but before we begin, what exactly is espresso?
Espresso is a concentrated coffee extraction utilizing heat (197-204F) and pressure (9 bars of atmospheric
pressure or roughly 135psi). It should be smooth with an intense aroma and velvety crema. It can be
consumed as a shot, and also used as the base for many other drinks and desserts.
The TWIST develops the operating pressure using food-safe, inert gas in two forms: Nitrous Oxide (N
and Carbon Dioxide (CO
). Each 8gm charger, or gas cartridge, delivers sufficient pressure for up to 4
double shots of espresso or 8 singles. The chargers are based upon a safe and proven technology that
has been widely used in other household devices such as whipped cream dispensers and soda makers for
the last 80 years. The chargers are readily available from a wide variety of stores and online retailers. You
can also find the mypressi-brand of chargers at www.mypressi.com. Each cartridge is made from 100%
pure steel and is fully recyclable.
Espresso is made with 18-21 grams of fresh ground coffee and roughly 2oz (60ml) of water, and therefore
has a high coffee to water ratio, unlike any other coffee extraction. Your TWIST includes several baskets
that will help you achieve the best results possible during this process: a double basket (21g) for fresh
ground coffee; a pressurized basket for pre-ground coffee or coffee that is coarser then a traditional
espresso grind; and, an ESE-compatible pod basket for single serving (7g) pods. If you prefer pods, there
is also a special shower head to ensure proper fit for an optimum extraction.
We have poured thought, care and creativity into the TWIST so that it will serve you well. There really is no
other machine that offers you excellent results while complying with such a small environmental footprint
and an über-stylish look and feel! We trust it will deliver the ultimate espresso experience, convenience,
portability and quality for many years to come.
Finally, please remember that the TWIST is a highly pressurized device. Always use with safety and care
and please only use in accordance with the instructions contained in this manual.
Espressi, Inc
2580 N. 1st Street, Suite 130
San Jose, CA 95131 USA
Ph: +1 408 770 8501

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