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user guide mypressi
user guide
A container designed to hold ground coffee or
pods for espresso extraction.
A combination of different coffees varying in
roast, origin, species and/or varietal.
The usual golden brown of a good espresso
extraction can quickly turn blond towards the
end of the shot. The blond extraction typically
adds unwanted flavor characteristics ruining
an otherwise good cup. The extraction should
always be stopped at the point it shows the first
sign of turning blond. If that point is too early,
you may have an under extraction.
We can’t comment on other meanings, but
in espresso it means the water has forced its
way through uneven areas of the coffee puck,
resulting in an under extraction. Channeling
can be corrected by using the right setting for
the espresso grind, by distributing the ground
coffee carefully and evenly into the basket, and
by tamping down evenly with the appropriate
Carbon Dioxide. A colorless, odorless, and
non-flammable gas. It is naturally present in air
and is absorbed by plants in photosynthesis.
CO2 can lend a sour flavor to certain beverages
but has no impact on the flavor or aroma of
espresso made with the TWIST.
An emulsification of fine particles of insoluble
solids and oils contained in millions of tiny
bubbles of water saturated with CO
. The
amount of crema extracted decreases as
the coffee gets older, the grind oxidizes and
becomes stale, or it is ground more coarse.
The coarser the coffee, the less crema will be
extracted. Crema isn’t necessarily the point to
espresso, and it may even be scooped off prior
to consumption, however the way it forms is al-
ways an excellent diagnostic tool for assessing
the quality of the extraction. Then again, so is
drinking what’s in the cup.
ESE Pods:
An Easy Serving Espresso Pod, or E.S.E. pod,
is a small packed disc of ground coffee with a
paper filter covering, generally 44-45mm wide.
The pod basket included is for use with 7g
single ESE pods and not 14g double ESE pods.
A type of extraction combining heat, coffee and
water to create a condensed syrupy liquid.
We make the TWIST, invented by an Australian
and designed in California. Enjoy responsibly.
Nitrous Oxide. A colorless, non-flammable gas
with a slightly sweet odor and taste. It is also
known as “laughing gas”. N2O has no impact
on the flavor or aroma of espresso made with
the TWIST.
A rubber gasket used to create water-tight and
air-tight seals to preserve pressure.
Over Extraction:
Occurs under the following conditions: the
espresso comes out as too concentrated an
extraction that may even taste salty and bitter;
the espresso is very dark with little crema;
it extracts too slowly for the desired volume
and time, dripping instead of flowing from the
basket; or the extraction is allowed to continue
too long, drawing out unwanted flavors. Over
extractions can usually be corrected by increas-
ing the coarseness of the grind.
Pressurized Basket:
A special, multi-layered basket intended for use
with coarser ground coffee and red espresso
The TWIST’s pressurized basket can be identi-
fied by the word COARSE.
red espresso
A South Africa based company that specializes
in rooibos tea prepared to be brewed like cof-
fee. It’s awesome in the TWIST. No kidding.
mypressi Origins:
Our donation program giving TWISTs to coffee
farmers to help them grow a better, tastier crop.
You can help as well by visiting
Specialty Coffee:
Essentially the highest grade of coffee available
on the market.
A tool used by professional baristas to com-
press the bed of coffee in a basket for even
extraction. A good tamper is quite weighty. If
you want to step up from the platic tamper
included with the TWIST, look for a good 53mm
tamper. It can make a noticeable difference to
the extraction.
Tiger Striping:
A good espresso extraction shows its nature
by a combination of golden and dark brown
stripes that form under the espresso basket
and turn into spots or flecks in the cup, visible
on top of the crema. The darker stripes and
spots are formed from the oils and caramelized
sugars present in the roasted bean.
Under Extraction:
Occurs under the following conditions: the
espresso comes out under-concentrated,
tasting weak or sour; it extracts too quickly
for the desired volume and time; the espresso
is blond and pours rapidly from the basket in
multiple streams rather than 1 or 2 steady
streams; there’s a lot of channeling during the

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